Tre Kronor

Face-Off Leaders

Sorted by higher Face Off %, Face Off Won (FO+) and lower Games Played
(Only players with an average of four or more face offs per game)
Rk No Name Team Pos GP FO FO+ FO- FO%
1 76 Davidsson, Johan SWE CE 2 31 19 12 61,29
2 26 Påhlsson, Samuel SWE CE 1 17 10 7 58,82
3 19 Zinovjev, Sergei RUS CE 1 14 8 6 57,14
4 15 Nielsen, Franz DEN CE 1 15 8 7 53,33
  23 Prokopiev, Alexander RUS CE 1 15 8 7 53,33
6 16 Franzén, Johan SWE CE 3 21 11 10 52,38
7 22 Grey, Mike DEN CE 1 16 8 8 50,00
  18 Skugarev, Alexander RUS CE 1 16 8 8 50,00
9 29 Karlberg, Mikael SWE CE 1 12 6 6 50,00
10 10 Nordby Andersen, Bo DEN RW 1 4 2 2 50,00
11 21 Jönsson, Jörgen SWE CE 2 39 18 21 46,15
12 26 Butsajev, Vjatjeslav RUS CE 1 9 4 5 44,44
13 29 Green, Morten DEN CE 1 13 4 9 30,77
14 19 Staal, Kim DEN LW 1 7 2 5 28,57
15 21 Smiut, Michael DEN CE 1 6 1 5 16,67

DEN - DenmarkRUS - RussiaSUI - SwitzerlandSWE - Sweden