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GABAY, Oliver 01//2/4/27 SWE Forward
GABER, Gaber 78//1/3/11 SLO Goalkeeper
GABINET, Michael 81//1/9/26 CAN Defenseman
GABOR, Gilbert 95//1/9/11 SWE Forward
GABOR, Kevin 00//2/4/1/ SWE Forward
GABORIK, Marian 82//1/2/14 SVK Forward
GABRIELSEN, Jonas 82//1/6/10 NOR Defenseman
GABRIELSON, Emil 99//1/7/1/ SWE Forward
GABRIELSON, Hugo 02//2/10/2 SWE Defenseman
GABRIELSSON, Anton 97//1/7/31 SWE Goalkeeper
GABRIELSSON, Emanuel 87//1/10/2 SWE Goalkeeper
GABRIELSSON, Jan 81//1/9/17 SWE Forward
GABRIELSSON, Petter 83//1/3/15 SWE Defenseman
GABRIELSSON, Tobias 77//1/1/29 SWE Defenseman
GADD, Oskar 90//1/5/10 SWE Goalkeeper
GAGE, Joaquin 73//1/10/1 CAN Goalkeeper
GAGNÉ, Kevin 92//1/4/14 CAN Defenseman
GAGNON, Aaron 86//1/4/24 CAN Forward
GAHN, Kristian 72//1/2/17 SWE Forward
GAHN, Niklas 92//1/1/28 SWE Forward
GALBAVY, Matej 98//1/10/2 SVK Forward
GALBRAITH, Daniel 91//1/4/3/ DEN Defenseman
GALBRAITH, Patrick 86//1/3/11 DEN Goalkeeper
GALE, Alan 87//1/2/23 CAN Forward
GALIAMOUTSAS, Håkan 69//1/6/13 SWE Defenseman
GALIARDI, T. J. 88//1/4/22 CAN Forward
GALLO, Vilmos 96//1/7/31 HUN Forward
GALVEUS, Sebastian 95//1/6/2/ SWE Forward
GALVINS, Guntis 86//1/1/25 LAT Defenseman
GANER, Anders 85//1/1/29 NOR Goalkeeper
GANTZ, Erik 92//1/5/25 SWE Defenseman
GARBENIUS, Thimmy 94//1/3/1/ SWE Defenseman
GARCIA, Gilito 97//1/2/15 SWE Forward
GARCIA NIELSEN, Philip 93//1/10/1 SWE Forward
GARD, Oskar 95//1/6/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
GARDELL, Gustaf 88//1/5/13 SWE Forward
GARFVE, Isak 02//2/2/14 SWE Forward
GARPEDAL, Simon 80//1/4/14 SWE Forward
GARPENLÖV, Henrik 92//1/6/3/ SWE Defenseman
GARPENLÖV, Johan 68//1/3/21 SWE Forward
GARPENLÖV, William 95//1/6/6/ SWE Defenseman
GARPENSUND, Sam 80//1/6/24 SWE Forward
GARPSÄTER, Niklas 86//1/5/6/ SWE Forward
GARRISON, Jason 84//1/11/1 CAN Defenseman
GARTNER, Robin 88//1/11/7 SWE Defenseman
GARVEY, Liam 73//1/1/2/ USA Forward
GASSLANDER, Tim 94//1/8/13 SWE Forward
GATH, Mikael 76//1/6/17 SWE Forward
GAUNCE, Brendan 94//1/3/25 CAN Forward
GAUTHIER, Sean 71//1/3/28 CAN Goalkeeper
GAUTHIER LEDUC, Jerome 92//1/7/30 CAN Defenseman
GAZLEY, Dustin 88//1/10/3 USA Forward
GEBING, Borne 81//1/7/4/ SWE Forward
GEFWERT, Marcus 93//1/2/16 SWE Defenseman
GEIJER, Jonas 84//1/6/26 SWE Goalkeeper
GEIRE, Ian 89//1/4/3/ SWE Defenseman
GELINAS, Eric 91//1/5/8/ CAN Defenseman
GELLERSTEDT, Joachim 79//1/8/21 SWE Forward
GENBERG, Adam 01//2/3/17 SWE Defenseman
GENLUND, Kristoffer 94//1/1/8/ SWE Defenseman
GENOWAY, Chay 86//1/12/2 CAN Defenseman
GENOWAY, Colby 83//1/12/1 CAN Forward
GEORGIADIS, Ilias 96//1/11/8 SWE Forward
GEORGSON, Andreas 80//1/5/18 SWE Defenseman
GEORGSSON, Emil 85//1/8/3/ SWE Forward
GEORGSSON, Ludvig 00//2/7/6/ SWE Defenseman
GERBER, Martin 74//1/9/3/ SUI Goalkeeper
GERDBO, Niclas 82//1/7/22 SWE Forward
GERDÉN, Mikael 76//1/10/1 SWE Goalkeeper
GERDIN, Lars-Göran 51//1/2/5/ SWE Forward
GERHARDSSON, Oskar 93//1/1/18 SWE Forward
GERHARDSSON, Peter 74//1/5/15 SWE Forward
GERINGER, Lukas 92//1/1/23 SUI Forward
GERMO, Anton 97//1/1/23 SWE Forward
GERMYN, Carsen 82//1/2/22 CAN Forward
GERSÉR, Sebastian 92//1/4/13 SWE Forward
GESAR, Fredrik 93//1/6/18 SWE Forward
GESCHWIND, Oscar 01//2/2/24 SWE Forward
GESTRIN, Magnus 79//1/9/21 SWE Forward
GEUKEN, Adam 87//1/2/23 SWE Defenseman
GEUKEN ACCARIES, Alex 85//1/1/16 SWE Forward
GEVREUS, Jimmy 82//1/8/26 SWE Forward
GEYZON, Lucas 95//1/8/7/ SWE Defenseman
GHEORGHIU, Daniel 03//2/1/30 ROM Defenseman
GIBBONS, Brian 88//1/2/26 USA Forward
GIBBS SJÖDIN, Viktor 88//1/4/21 SWE Defenseman
GIBL, Daniel 95//1/8/28 SVK Goalkeeper
GIDBARK, Linus 99//1/12/1 SWE Goalkeeper
GIDEBRING, Alexander 92//1/1/1/ SWE Forward
GIDLÖF, Marcus 05//2/9/28 SWE Goalkeeper
GILL, Rickard 96//1/8/20 SWE Forward
GILLBERG, Casper 01//2/10/1 SWE Defenseman
GILLBERG, Max 95//1/12/4 SWE Defenseman
GILLBERG, Robert 93//1/4/15 SWE Defenseman
GILLENFALK, Niklas 94//1/6/20 SWE Forward
GILLERSTEDT, Elliot 98//1/9/14 SWE Forward
GILLHOLM, Ludvig 95//1/4/11 SWE Forward
GILLIUSSON, Fredrik 91//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
GILLIUSSON, Robin 87//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
GILLJAM, Erik 84//1/6/24 SWE Forward
GIMELL, Joakim 84//1/6/4/ SWE Forward
GIMENEZ MADILL, Luis 95//1/5/23 ESP Forward
GINNING, Adam 00//2/1/13 SWE Defenseman
GIROUX, Raymond 76//1/7/20 CAN Defenseman
GISSLÉN, Axel 99//1/2/16 SWE Forward
GISSLÈN, David 94//1/4/4/ SWE Defenseman
GISTEDT, Joel 87//1/12/7 SWE Goalkeeper
GLAAD, Daniel 87//1/6/2/ SWE Forward
GLAD, Daniel 92//1/9/23 SWE Defenseman
GLAD, Jarkko 73//1/7/17 FIN Defenseman
GLADH, Kristofer 89//1/2/26 SWE Defenseman
GLADH, Marcus 96//1/1/1/ SWE Forward
GLADH, Nicklas 84//1/6/4/ SWE Defenseman
GLANS, Gustav 89//1/1/27 SWE Defenseman
GLANS, Shawn 87//1/8/4/ SWE Forward
GLAVHAMMAR, Frida 85//1/7/22 SWE Goalkeeper
GLEMBA, Michal 92//1/12/2 SVK Forward
GLENN, Ryan 80//1/6/7/ CAN Defenseman
GLENNMAR, Oliver 02//2/6/8/ SWE Forward
GLIFFORD, Olof 05//2/3/5/ SWE Goalkeeper
GLIGA, Roberto 93//1/4/24 ROM Forward
GLIMBERG, Erik 93//1/3/18 SWE Forward
GLIMHED, Simon 91//1/7/6/ SWE Forward
GLIMMENVALL, Daniel 74//1/9/10 SWE Defenseman
GLIMTOFT, Alexander 96//1/3/8/ SWE Defenseman
GLYSING, Mikael 89//1/1/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
GLÄDT, Jonas 96//1/1/17 SWE Defenseman
GODIN, Vincent 04//2/8/25 SWE Goalkeeper
GOEBEL, Thomas 84//1/11/2 USA Forward
GOGOLEV, Pavel 00//2/2/19 RUS Forward
GOLIATS, Sean 98//1/1/8/ SWE Defenseman
GOLUBOVSKY, Yan 76//1/3/9/ RUS Defenseman
GOOD, Christopher 85//1/6/30 SWE Defenseman
GOOD, Mikael 62//1/3/14 SWE Defenseman
GOOD BOGG, Dennis 04//2/3/2/ SWE Defenseman
GOODWIN, David 92//1/2/27 USA Forward
GORDON, Andrew 85//1/12/1 CAN Forward
GOREN, Lee 77//1/12/2 CAN Forward
GOREV, Roman 71//1/8/4/ RUS Forward
GORMLEY, Brandon 92//1/2/18 CAN Defenseman
GOTTFRIDSSON, Tobias 90//1/7/30 SWE Goalkeeper
GOTTLIND, Adam 95//1/2/2/ SWE Forward
GOTTLIND, Vicktor 91//1/5/16 SWE Forward
GOTTO, Tyler 85//1/6/3/ CAN Defenseman
GOUMAS, Kevin 91//1/11/1 USA Forward
GOVEDARIS, Chris 70//1/2/2/ CAN Forward
GOZZI, Anders 67//1/7/12 SWE Forward
GOZZI, Christoffer 93//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
GOZZI, Patric 91//1/5/6/ SWE Defenseman
GOZZI, Philip 84//1/1/29 SWE Defenseman
GRADIN, Anton 00//2/2/3/ SWE Forward
GRADIN, Henrik 73//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
GRADIN, Niclas 96//1/5/26 SWE Goalkeeper
GRADIN, Peter 58//1/12/9 SWE Forward
GRADIN, Stefan 76//1/2/3/ SWE Forward
GRADIN, Thomas 56//1/2/18 SWE Forward
GRAESÉN, Mats 70//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
GRAF, Benjamin 01//2/7/5/ SWE Forward
GRAF, Carl 91//1/10/1 SWE Forward
GRAFF, Johan 87//1/10/6 SWE Forward
GRAFSTRÖM, Jesper 97//1/8/31 SWE Forward
GRAGNANI, Marc-André 87//1/3/11 CAN Defenseman
GRAHN, Alexander 91//1/1/20 SWE Goalkeeper
GRAHN, Andreas 96//1/1/17 SWE Forward
GRAHN, Björn 75//1/10/1 SWE Forward
GRAHN, Gustav 01//2/6/27 SWE Defenseman
GRAHN, Johan 92//1/6/26 SWE Defenseman
GRAHN, Kevin 91//1/4/30 SWE Defenseman
GRAHN, Niklas 89//1/5/14 SWE Defenseman
GRAHN, Ronny 94//1/7/25 SWE Defenseman
GRAHN, Sara 88//1/9/25 SWE Goalkeeper
GRAHN, Tommy 57//1/5/26 SWE Goalkeeper
GRAHN, Viktor 98//1/8/15 SWE Defenseman
GRAHUT, Ziga 90//1/7/20 SLO Defenseman
GRAMME, William 02//2/5/24 SWE Goalkeeper
GRAN, Daniel 83//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
GRANAK, Dominik 83//1/6/11 SVK Defenseman
GRANAT ÅKERBLAD, Elias 85//1/9/6/ SWE Defenseman
GRANATH, Anton 96//1/6/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRANATH, Charlie 96//1/8/17 SWE Defenseman
GRANATH, Johan 86//1/4/29 SWE Forward
GRANATH, Philip 02//2/10/5 NOR Forward
GRANATH, Tobias 80//1/4/16 SWE Forward
GRANBERG, Fredrik 00//2/5/1/ SWE Defenseman
GRANBERG, Jesper 99//1/8/4/ SWE Forward
GRANBERG, Joel 01//2/6/15 SWE Defenseman
GRANBERG, Niklas 85//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
GRANBERG, Nils 95//1/3/3/ SWE Defenseman
GRANBERG, Petter 92//1/8/27 SWE Defenseman
GRANBERG, Simon 95//1/2/2/ SWE Forward
GRANDE, Hampus 88//1/3/18 SWE Forward
GRANDE, Samuel 98//1/9/13 SWE Defenseman
GRANDIN, Johan 84//1/2/17 SWE Forward
GRAND-PIERRE, Jean-Luc 77//1/2/2/ CAN Defenseman
GRANEMAR, Niclas 93//1/4/25 SWE Defenseman
GRANESTRAND, Johan 86//1/7/31 SWE Goalkeeper
GRANHOLM, Alexander 02//2/1/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRANHOLM, Emil 94//1/3/30 SWE Defenseman
GRANHOLM, Svante 47//1/3/15 SWE Defenseman
GRANHOLM, Viktor 94//1/7/10 SWE Forward
GRANKVIST, Gustav 99//1/6/20 SWE Defenseman
GRANLI-HOLMBERG, Pontus 98//1/8/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRANLUND, Johan 87//1/3/31 SWE Forward
GRANLUND, Mattias 92//1/6/14 SWE Forward
GRANLUND-WENNERBERG, Max 02//2/7/23 SWE Forward
GRANNAS, Viktor 00//2/9/15 SWE Defenseman
GRANQVIST, Erik 72//1/2/3/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRANQVIST, Robin 87//1/11/1 SWE Forward
GRANRUD, Oscar 96//1/7/30 SWE Forward
GRANS, Egon 99//1/8/1/ SWE Forward
GRANS, Helge 02//2/5/10 SWE Defenseman
GRANS, Henning 94//1/10/4 SWE Forward
GRANS, Morgan 70//1/2/18 SWE Forward
GRANSTAD, Robin 84//1/8/2/ SWE Defenseman
GRANSTEDT, Andreas 93//1/5/15 SWE Forward
GRANSTEDT, Mikael 61//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
GRANSTRÖM, Christer 70//1/12/6 SWE
GRANSTRÖM, Fredrik 81//1/3/30 SWE Defenseman
GRANSTRÖM, Fredrik 88//1/2/10 SWE Forward
GRANSTRÖM, Håkan 62//1/3/14 SWE Defenseman
GRANSTRÖM, Johan 86//1/11/3 SWE Forward
GRANSTRÖM, Jonathan 86//1/3/9/ SWE Forward
GRANSTRÖM, Jonathan 00//2/5/8/ SWE Defenseman
GRANSTRÖM, Linus 96//1/8/14 SWE Goalkeeper
GRANSTRÖM, Mattias 78//1/4/26 SWE Forward
GRANSTRÖM, Stefan 84//1/2/22 SWE Forward
GRANT, Joe 57//1/8/14 CAN Defenseman
GRANTNER, Truls 94//1/6/11 SWE Goalkeeper
GRANÖ- ISAKSSON, Andreas 86//1/1/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRANÖÖ, Viktor 93//1/5/22 SWE Forward
GRASS, Philip 95//1/7/5/ SWE Forward
GREEN, Gustav 00//2/9/21 DEN Forward
GREEN, Jonas 85//1/3/21 SWE Forward
GREEN, Josh 77//1/11/1 CAN Forward
GREEN, Marcus 92//1/4/27 SWE Defenseman
GREEN, Morten 81//1/3/19 DEN Forward
GREEN, Oliver 04//2/7/28 SWE Goalkeeper
GREENE, Montell 96//1/1/11 SWE Forward
GREFVE, Petter 97//1/8/22 SWE Forward
GREGOIRE, Jason 89//1/2/24 CAN Forward
GREGOR, Jens 84//1/5/3/ SWE Defenseman
GREGORC, Blaz 90//1/1/18 SLO Defenseman
GREGORY, Caleb 03//2/1/4/ SWE Defenseman
GREHN, Oscar 95//1/7/18 SWE Forward
GREIBE, Victor 96//1/1/17 SWE Defenseman
GREIN, Sebastian 96//1/1/23 SWE Defenseman
GREISS, Thomas 86//1/1/29 GER Goalkeeper
GREN, Robin 98//1/6/13 SWE Defenseman
GRENHOLM, Anton 92//1/2/6/ SWE Forward
GRENHOLM, Jimmy 93//1/3/16 SWE Forward
GRENNARD, Jonathan 93//1/3/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRENNARD, Victor 90//1/4/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
GREWE, Albin 01//2/3/22 SWE Forward
GRIBORN, Gustav 93//1/5/5/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRILLFORS, Daniel 82//1/7/2/ SWE Forward
GRIM, Oscar 95//1/9/1/ SWE Forward
GRIMBORN, Daniel 85//1/3/13 SWE Defenseman
GRIMSTÅHL, Johan 82//1/9/28 SWE Forward
GRINDER, Tobias 97//1/2/11 SWE Defenseman
GRINDVALL, Kim 81//1/4/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRIP, Simon 03//2/7/21 SWE Forward
GROLANDER, David 98//1/11/4 SWE Forward
GROMER, Jakob 94//1/4/11 SWE Forward
GROPP, Ryan 96//1/9/16 CAN Forward
GROSEK, Michal 75//1/6/1/ CZE Forward
GROSSMANN, Nicklas 85//1/1/22 SWE Defenseman
GROTH, Victor 99//1/1/29 SWE Forward
GROTNES, Pål 77//1/3/7/ NOR Goalkeeper
GRUDD, Jonathan 89//1/12/1 SWE Forward
GRUDE, Felix 97//1/8/19 SWE Defenseman
GRUDÉN, Martin 91//1/9/27 SWE Defenseman
GRUFMAN, Fredrik 87//1/6/15 SWE Forward
GRUFMAN, Kent 51//1/4/8/ SWE Forward
GRUFMAN, Stefan 81//1/8/14 SWE Forward
GRUNDBERG, Joakim 79//1/9/23 SWE Forward
GRUNDEL, Anton 90//1/3/5/ SWE Defenseman
GRUNDEL, Johan 86//1/4/8/ SWE Forward
GRUNDEL, Max 02//2/2/5/ SWE Forward
GRUNDITZ, Sigge 03//2/3/19 SWE Forward
GRUNDSTRÖM, Carl 97//1/12/1 SWE Forward
GRUNDSTRÖM, Conny 76//1/11/1 SWE Goalkeeper
GRUNDSTRÖM, Gustav 95//1/7/29 SWE Forward
GRUNDSTRÖM, Göran 61//1/6/2/ SWE Defenseman
GRUNDSTRÖM, Tomas 79//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
GRUT, Gustaf 94//1/3/19 SWE Goalkeeper
GRUVSTÅL, Niclas 03//2/1/20 SWE Defenseman
GRÅBERGS, Johan 95//1/9/11 SWE Defenseman
GRÅBO, Fredrik 95//1/1/6/ SWE Defenseman
GRÅBO, Mikael 88//1/6/21 SWE Goalkeeper
GRÅHNS, Stefan 82//1/4/19 SWE Forward
GRÄLL, Philip 94//1/5/28 SWE Forward
GRÄNBY, Rickard 73//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
GRÄNTZ, Mattias 93//1/3/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRÄSBERG, Gustav 83//1/4/6/ SWE Forward
GRÄSVIK, Fredrik 87//1/12/1 SWE Goalkeeper
GRÄSVIK, Mathias 90//1/2/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
GRÄÄS, Robert 73//1/2/16 SWE Defenseman
GRÖNBERG, Johan 89//1/11/6 SWE Forward
GRÖNBERG, Johan 89//1/9/1/ SWE Forward
GRÖNBERG, Martin 94//1/5/11 SWE Forward
GRÖNBERG, Victor 93//1/7/15 SWE Forward
GRÖNDAHL, Andreas 90//1/9/11 SWE Forward
GRÖNDAHL, Ari 89//1/8/11 FIN Defenseman
GRÖNHAGEN, Isac 04//2/8/18 SWE Goalkeeper
GRÖNHAGEN, Jacob 01//2/1/18 SWE Forward
GRÖNHOLM, Ossi-Petteri 81//1/9/17 FIN Defenseman
GRÖNLIND, Markus 95//1/2/12 SWE Forward
GRÖNLUND, Anders 89//1/1/3/ SWE Defenseman
GRÖNLUND, Daniel 90//1/2/13 SWE Defenseman
GRÖNLUND, Jesper 92//1/3/16 SWE Forward
GRÖNLUND, Jesper 95//1/8/14 SWE Forward
GRÖNLUND, Johan 91//1/4/29 SWE Forward
GRÖNLUND, Jonas 93//1/4/19 SWE Defenseman
GRÖNLUND, Tim 93//1/1/31 SWE Defenseman
GRÖNQUIST, Johan 96//1/1/5/ SWE Defenseman
GRÖNQVIST, Andreas 90//1/2/16 SWE Forward
GRÖNQVIST, Markus 89//1/6/4/ SWE Forward
GRÖNQVIST, Robin 94//1/8/5/ SWE Forward
GRÖNROOS, Olle 02//2/6/7/ SWE Forward
GRÖNROS, André 94//1/9/20 SWE Forward
GRÖNSTRAND, Fredrik 96//1/3/6/ NOR Goalkeeper
GRÖNVALL, Janne 73//1/7/17 FIN Defenseman
GRÖSCHL, Tamas 80//1/8/21 HUN Forward
GRÖTTING, Mats 56//1/10/2 SWE Forward
GRÖTTING, Mattias 85//1/2/22 SWE Forward
GUDLEVSKIS, Kristers 92//1/7/31 LAT Goalkeeper
GUDMUNDSON, Peter 55//1/11/1 SWE Forward
GUDMUNDSSON, Anton 04//2/1/8/ SWE Defenseman
GUDMUNDSSON, Martin 86//1/8/21 SWE Forward
GUDMUNDSSON, Mathias 86//1/2/23 SWE Defenseman
GUDMUNDSSON, Peter 53//1/4/7/ SWE Forward
GUENTZEL, Gabe 88//1/5/2/ USA Defenseman
GULAS, Milan 85//1/12/3 CZE Forward
GULASI, Michal 86//1/7/18 CZE Defenseman
GULBRANDSEN, Kenneth Pappalardo 01//2/10/7 NOR Forward
GULIS, Martin 92//1/6/4/ SWE Forward
GULIS, Tommy 91//1/1/8/ SWE Forward
GULLBERG, Ludwig 91//1/6/27 SWE Defenseman
GULLBRANDSSON, John 02//2/6/21 SWE Forward
GULLBRANTZ, Oskar 03//2/11/1 SWE Defenseman
GULLDÉN, Pontus 93//1/2/12 SWE Forward
GULLERSTEDT, Niclas 73//1/8/21 SWE Defenseman
GULLHAV, Wilhelm 04//2/2/27 SWE Defenseman
GULLSTRÖM, Andreas 83//1/8/29 SWE Forward
GULLSTRÖM, Oskar 96//1/4/27 SWE Forward
GUMAN, Tomás 97//1/6/2/ CZE Forward
GUNBERG, Pontus 88//1/1/2/ SWE Forward
GUNDERSON, Ryan 85//1/8/16 USA Defenseman
GUNHARDSSON, Carl 87//1/10/3 SWE Defenseman
GUNLER, Jakob 76//1/5/18 SWE Forward
GUNLER, Joakim 73//1/4/30 SWE Forward
GUNLER, Noel 01//2/10/7 SWE Forward
GUNNAHR, Andreas 95//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARE, Pelle 97//1/7/4/ SWE Forward
GUNNARSON, Lars 61//1/1/8/ SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Albin 96//1/5/3/ SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Alexander 03//2/8/8/ SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Anders 91//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, Andreas 92//1/5/29 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Anton 91//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, August 96//1/3/31 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Björn 58//1/4/27 SWE Goalkeeper
GUNNARSSON, Carl 86//1/11/9 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, Daniel 92//1/4/15 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, David 94//1/2/20 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Elias 99//1/8/8/ SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, Emil 91//1/5/29 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Erik 83//1/8/18 SWE Goalkeeper
GUNNARSSON, Fabian 95//1/5/23 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Filip 91//1/5/19 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Joel 99//1/6/1/ SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Jonas 92//1/3/31 SWE Goalkeeper
GUNNARSSON, Jonathan 92//1/8/30 SWE Goalkeeper
GUNNARSSON, Kristoffer 97//1/2/26 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, Kristoffer 94//1/1/17 SWE Goalkeeper
GUNNARSSON, Marcus 94//1/9/16 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, Markus 90//1/4/21 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Nils 99//1/11/1 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Olof 85//1/1/17 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, Oscar 95//1/9/15 SWE Defenseman
GUNNARSSON, Patrik 88//1/2/26 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Robin 91//1/8/6/ SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Steve 92//1/4/16 SWE Forward
GUNNARSSON, Viktor 87//1/7/16 SWE Goalkeeper
GUNNELID, Simon 88//1/12/3 SWE Defenseman
GURFELDT, Andreas 93//1/12/1 SWE Forward
GUSLIN, Marcus 90//1/4/4/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSON, Simon 87//1/4/30 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSCHÖLD, Emil 92//1/1/27 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Albin 03//2/4/22 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Alex 98//1/3/5/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Anders 81//1/8/4/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, André 00//2/6/17 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Andreas 81//1/3/11 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Andreas 84//1/5/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Andreas 93//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Anton 90//1/2/25 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Anton 94//1/8/20 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Bengt-Åke 58//1/3/23 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Björn 88//1/2/21 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Carl 89//1/10/2 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Carl 98//1/7/9/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Claes 66//1/9/13 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Daniel 86//1/3/3/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, David 00//2/4/11 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Emil 95//1/6/7/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Erik 88//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Erik 92//1/3/14 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Erik 92//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Filip 95//1/4/23 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Fredrik 87//1/1/11 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Glenn 98//1/9/4/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Hampus 91//1/4/22 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Hampus 93//1/10/2 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Hugo 00//2/2/23 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Jacob 89//1/5/12 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Jakob 89//1/11/1 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Jesper 96//1/7/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Jesper 94//1/11/2 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Jim 92//1/8/20 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Jimmy 87//1/3/26 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Johan 78//1/4/10 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Johan 92//1/2/28 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Johan 95//1/8/26 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Johan 96//1/3/18 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, John 92//1/1/5/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Jonas 76//1/4/30 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Jonatan 96//1/4/10 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Juha 79//1/4/26 FIN Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Ken 66//1/6/26 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Kim 90//1/2/12 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Kim 93//1/3/30 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Krister 78//1/2/12 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Lars-Åke 50//1/4/24 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Leif 54//1/2/13 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Leo 91//1/6/29 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Linus 90//1/7/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Linus 04//2/2/15 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Lukas 97//1/4/10 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Magnus 68//1/1/17 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Marcus 80//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Markus 96//1/4/4/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Martin 81//1/10/4 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Martin 96//1/9/5/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Mattias 90//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Mattias 98//1/7/30 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Niclas 84//1/5/15 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Nils 97//1/7/21 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Oliver 92//1/6/27 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Oliver 96//1/7/27 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Olof 82//1/6/29 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Oscar 98//1/3/5/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Oskar 98//1/7/9/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Patrik 71//1/8/4/ SWE
GUSTAFSSON, Per 77//1/1/25 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Per 70//1/6/4/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Per 88//1/1/19 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Peter 64//1/12/2 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Philip 96//1/8/12 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Philip 94//1/4/1/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Pierre 94//1/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Pontus 93//1/3/14 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Rasmus 94//1/7/19 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Rasmus 99//1/1/30 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Richard 79//1/10/1 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Robert 78//1/6/5/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Robin 85//1/3/10 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Robin 92//1/5/13 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAFSSON, Stefan 86//1/2/7/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Stefan 87//1/3/2/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Thomas 84//1/7/25 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAFSSON, Tobias 90//1/2/6/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Tomas 61//1/7/3/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Viktor 93//1/1/22 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, Viktor 94//1/3/14 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, William 93//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON, William 01//2/2/10 SWE Forward
GUSTAFSSON SPÅNG, Viktor 91//1/3/31 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSON, Stefan 65//1/11/2 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Adam 94//1/8/25 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Anton 90//1/12/2 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Anton 99//1/2/12 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Carl 93//1/2/18 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Carl 93//1/11/2 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Carl-Philip 96//1/7/3/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Christer 68//1/12/1 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Christer 61//1/1/24 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Christoffer 85//1/5/23 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Daniel 91//1/4/22 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, David 90//1/3/30 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Eddie 00//2/2/14 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Erik 92//1/2/18 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Filip 98//1/6/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Frans 87//1/8/19 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Fredrik 81//1/6/30 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Hampus 93//1/5/23 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Henric 83//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Jacob 90//1/5/5/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Jakob 64//1/3/22 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Jesper 92//1/6/20 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Jesper 95//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Joel 96//1/3/4/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Johan 83//1/5/5/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Johan 95//1/3/28 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Johan 96//1/1/31 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Jonas 72//1/1/17 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Jonas 84//1/10/2 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Jonas 86//1/1/27 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Karl 99//1/4/11 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Kasper 94//1/8/6/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Kristofer 80//1/4/14 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Linus 83//1/8/16 SWE
GUSTAVSSON, Linus 95//1/9/18 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Linus 99//1/9/18 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Linus 95//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Lucas 99//1/9/18 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Lucas 99//1/5/13 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Marcus 96//1/4/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Markus 89//1/5/21 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Martin 85//1/11/1 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Matias 84//1/3/18 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Mattias 95//1/3/20 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Max 96//1/1/30 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Melker 01//2/2/12 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Måns 93//1/10/3 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Nicklas 92//1/5/4/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Niclas 89//1/5/18 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Niclas 92//1/8/27 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Niklas 87//1/3/17 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Oscar 95//1/9/30 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Oscar 03//2/3/30 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Peter 58//1/3/30 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Pierre 90//1/1/9/ SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Robin 87//1/12/1 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, Robin 94//1/2/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Sammy 88//1/10/1 SWE Goalkeeper
GUSTAVSSON, Simon 96//1/3/26 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON, Tomas 61//1/6/20 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON, William 03//2/1/14 SWE Forward
GUSTAVSSON NYBERG, Viking 03//2/9/21 SWE Defenseman
GUSTAVSSON-BERGMARK, Andreas 91//1/1/16 SWE Forward
GUTER, Mattias 88//1/7/23 SWE Forward
GUTESTAM, Elliot 91//1/6/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
GUTHRIE, Shea 87//1/7/30 CAN Forward
GUTTELVIK, Glenn 00//2/12/1 SWE Forward
GUTTIG, Anthony 88//1/10/3 FRA Forward
GUVE-TÖRLING, Ludwig 96//1/1/3/ SWE Forward
GUYMON, Nathan 94//1/5/8/ USA Defenseman
GYLLANDER, Dennis 96//1/2/7/ SWE Defenseman
GYLLANDER, Erik 86//1/8/6/ SWE Forward
GYLLBERG, Johan 88//1/7/5/ SWE Forward
GYLLENBERG, Emil 94//1/3/1/ SWE Forward
GYLLENHAMMAR, Tobias 87//1/2/11 SWE Defenseman
GYLLENSON, Robert 82//1/2/18 SWE Forward
GYLLENVÅG, Gabriel 89//1/4/29 SWE Defenseman
GYNGE, Richard 87//1/2/1/ SWE Forward
GÜNTER-HELLQVIST, Simon 96//1/12/1 SWE Forward
GÜNTHER, Marius 93//1/3/8/ NOR
GYSBERS, Simon 87//1/5/7/ CAN Forward
GYSENIUS, Robin 86//1/8/13 SWE Defenseman
GÄLLSTEDT, Andreas 92//1/4/15 SWE Defenseman
GÄLLSTEDT, Marcus 94//1/8/14 SWE Forward
GÄLLSTEDT, Niklas 67//1/2/7/ SWE Defenseman
GÄVSTEDT, Rasmus 99//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Albin 01//2/10/1 SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Alexander 99//1/6/17 SWE Defenseman
GÖRANSSON, Anders 81//1/8/5/ SWE
GÖRANSSON, Christoffer 92//1/3/8/ SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Daniel 86//1/1/8/ SWE Defenseman
GÖRANSSON, David 02//2/11/2 SWE Defenseman
GÖRANSSON, Erik 97//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
GÖRANSSON, Isac 03//2/9/2/ SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Joakim 88//1/5/25 SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Kevin 92//1/11/2 SWE Defenseman
GÖRANSSON, Mattias 95//1/3/10 SWE Defenseman
GÖRANSSON, Patrik 82//1/3/20 SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Patrik 85//1/2/6/ SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Per 58//1/5/29 SWE Forward
GÖRANSSON, Tobias 97//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
GÖRNDT, Simon 89//1/1/23 SWE Forward
GÖRNDT, Tobias 87//1/8/13 SWE Forward
GÖRSBERG, Joakim 87//1/6/18 SWE Goalkeeper
GÖRTZ, Max 93//1/1/28 SWE Forward
GÖRTZ, Victor 92//1/4/30 SWE Forward
GÖSTASSON, Marcus 92//1/1/19 SWE Goalkeeper
GÖTH, Marcus 93//1/7/6/ SWE Defenseman
GÖTHBERG, Jonas 77//1/4/30 SWE Defenseman
GÖTHBERG, Magnus 73//1/1/31 SWE Forward
GÖTHE, Joakim 86//1/5/7/ SWE Defenseman
GÖTHESSON, Albin 03//2/3/16 SWE Defenseman
GÖTHLIN, David 93//1/2/12 SWE Forward
GÖTZ, Marcus 87//1/3/10 SWE Defenseman
© Copyright Swedish Ice Hockey Association 2007