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RAAB-OBERMAYR, Karl 92//1/9/21 SWE Defenseman
RABBING, Carl 94//1/4/13 SWE Forward
RACHIDI, Adam 92//1/5/6/ SWE Defenseman
RACKLIN, Anton 91//1/1/25 SWE Defenseman
RADEFJÄLL, Lukas 93//1/3/12 SWE Forward
RADIVOJEVIC, Branko 80//1/11/2 SVK Forward
RAFALSKI, Brian 73//1/9/28 USA Defenseman
RAFFL, Michael 88//1/12/1 AUT Forward
RAFFL, Thomas 86//1/6/19 AUT Forward
RAFNER, Daniel 80//1/2/11 SWE Forward
RAGNARSSON, Felix 95//1/6/20 SWE Forward
RAGNARSSON, Jakob 99//1/9/23 SWE Defenseman
RAGNARSSON, Johan 87//1/1/10 SWE Defenseman
RAGNARSSON, Marcus 71//1/8/13 SWE Defenseman
RAGNEVAD, Isak 00//2/1/23 SWE Goalkeeper
RAGNEWALL, Wictor 93//1/3/10 SWE Goalkeeper
RAHIMI, Daniel 87//1/4/28 SWE Defenseman
RAHKOLA, Johan 80//1/2/9/ SWE Defenseman
RAHKONEN, Antti 77//1/1/11 FIN Defenseman
RAHM, Erik 85//1/3/7/ SWE Defenseman
RAHM, Nicklas 75//1/6/23 SWE Defenseman
RAHM, Robin 86//1/9/13 SWE Goalkeeper
RAHM, Samuel 93//1/3/3/ SWE Defenseman
RAHM, William 85//1/9/26 SWE Goalkeeper
RAHM, William 97//1/1/11 SWE Forward
RAHMQVIST, Johan 86//1/9/20 SWE Forward
RAINERSSON, Albin 03//2/10/7 SWE Defenseman
RAINERSSON, Erik 98//1/11/1 SWE Forward
RAITANEN, Rauli 70//1/1/14 FIN
RAITING, David 95//1/8/26 SWE Goalkeeper
RAJALA, Juuso 88//1/8/27 FIN Forward
RAJALA, Rasmus 92//1/5/12 SWE Defenseman
RAJALA, Toni 91//1/3/29 FIN Forward
RAJALIN-SCHARP, Alec 03//2/7/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
RAJAMÄKI, Pekka 67//1/3/11 SWE Goalkeeper
RAJAMÄKI, Tommi 76//1/2/29 FIN Defenseman
RAJANIEMI, Sami 92//1/8/20 FIN Goalkeeper
RAJNOHA, Erik 98//1/8/1/ SVK Defenseman
RAKELL, Mathias 02//2/4/19 SWE Forward
RAKELL, Rikard 93//1/5/5/ SWE Forward
RAKELL, Robin 91//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
RAKHSHANI, Rhett 88//1/3/6/ USA Forward
RAM, Jamie 71//1/1/18 CAN Goalkeeper
RAMBERG, Andreas 92//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
RAMBERG, Lucas 02//2/6/30 SWE Defenseman
RAMÉN, Marcus 75//1/7/2/ SWE Forward
RAMPA, Pekka 49//1/12/2 FIN Defenseman
RAMPAZZO, Ruben 93//1/8/22 ITA Defenseman
RAMQVIST, Oscar 98//1/1/28 SWE Defenseman
RAMSEY, Liam 94//1/11/1 SWE Forward
RAMSGÅRD, Axel 90//1/7/30 SWE Defenseman
RAMSGÅRD, Erik 92//1/4/30 SWE Goalkeeper
RAMSTAM-ANDERSSON, Morgan 88//1/3/4/ SWE Forward
RAMSTEDT, Johan 78//1/4/6/ SWE Forward
RAMSTEDT, Teemu 87//1/12/9 FIN Forward
RAMSTEN, Joakim 91//1/12/2 SWE Forward
RAMSTEN, Viktor 94//1/9/15 SWE Forward
RAMSTRÖM, Billy 80//1/2/27 SWE Forward
RAND, Pontus 96//1/6/9/ SWE Forward
RANDKLEF, Albin 95//1/5/5/ SWE Defenseman
RANDOLPH, Jacob 94//1/3/8/ USA Forward
RANEHAMN, Emil 02//2/1/29 SWE Goalkeeper
RANFORD, Brendan 92//1/5/3/ CAN Forward
RANGEDAL, Emil 01//2/4/8/ SWE Defenseman
RANKVIST, Emil 96//1/10/2 SWE Goalkeeper
RANNEBERG, Magnus 81//1/2/12 SWE Defenseman
RANNEBERG, Robin 97//1/9/30 SWE Defenseman
RANSKÄR, Jim 85//1/4/25 SWE
RANSTRÖM, Max 04//2/12/2 SWE Defenseman
RANSTRÖM, Nicklas 76//1/7/30 SWE Forward
RANSVED NILSSON, Erik 92//1/1/24 SWE Forward
RANTA, Roope 88//1/5/23 FIN Forward
RANTAKARI, Otso 93//1/11/1 FIN Defenseman
RANTANEN, Ludvig 88//1/3/23 SWE Forward
RANTANEN, Marko 75//1/2/28 FIN Goalkeeper
RANTANEN, Pekka 81//1/7/14 SWE Defenseman
RANTATALO-THOMAS, Emil 88//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
RANUDD, Pär 84//1/2/17 SWE Forward
RAPP, Christoffer 00//2/2/27 SWE Forward
RAPP, Gustav 95//1/6/18 SWE Forward
RAPP, Jesper 95//1/2/9/ SWE Forward
RAPP, Lars 95//1/4/15 SWE Forward
RAPP, Magnus 58//1/10/2 SWE Forward
RAPP, Max 97//1/2/20 SWE Forward
RAPP, Nils 92//1/9/14 SWE Forward
RASCH, Christoffer 94//1/2/13 NOR Defenseman
RASELIUS, Paul 80//1/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
RASIMUS, Sebastian 89//1/3/22 SWE Forward
RASK, Anton 97//1/6/11 SWE Forward
RASK, David 94//1/4/27 SWE Forward
RASK, Joonas 90//1/3/24 FIN Forward
RASK, Tomas 68//1/3/12 SWE Goalkeeper
RASK, Victor 93//1/3/1/ SWE Forward
RASKE, Maximilian 02//2/11/1 SWE Goalkeeper
RASMUSSEN, Dennis 90//1/7/3/ SWE Forward
RASMUSSEN, Emil 93//1/4/28 SWE Goalkeeper
RASMUSSON, Jens 94//1/7/15 SWE Forward
RASMUSSON, Linus 82//1/9/8/ SWE Defenseman
RASMUSSON, Mats 55//1/1/13 SWE Defenseman
RASMUSSON, Viktor 96//1/2/6/ SWE Defenseman
RASOVIC, Daniel 85//1/9/5/ SWE Forward
RATHGEB, Isac 93//1/3/3/ SWE Defenseman
RATTIE, Ty 93//1/2/5/ CAN Forward
RAUGE, Rikard 63//1/11/4 SWE Forward
RAUHALA, Reine 73//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
RAUTEE, Mikko 79//1/5/13 FIN Forward
RAUTIO, David 85//1/7/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
RAWLYK, Rory 83//1/9/9/ CAN Defenseman
RAYCROFT, Andrew 80//1/5/4/ CAN Goalkeeper
RAYMOND, Hugo 99//1/10/3 SWE Forward
RAYMOND, Lucas 02//2/3/28 SWE Forward
RAYMOND, Mason 85//1/9/17 CAN Forward
RAYNEÉ, Michael 89//1/12/5 SWE Forward
RAZDOLSKIY, Nikita 94//1/10/2 RUS Defenseman
RAZINGAR, Tomaz 79//1/4/25 SLO Forward
READ, Matthew 86//1/6/14 CAN Forward
REDDICK, Kruise 90//1/7/6/ CAN Forward
REDDOX, Liam 86//1/1/27 GBR Forward
REDLIHS, Jekabs 82//1/3/29 LAT Defenseman
REDLIHS, Krisjanis 81//1/1/15 LAT Defenseman
REDLIHS, Mikelis 84//1/7/1/ LAT Forward
REDNER, Peter 64//1/2/12 SWE Forward
REDTZER, Alexander 99//1/1/5/ SWE Defenseman
REESE, Dylan 84//1/8/29 USA Defenseman
REFORS, Sebastian 91//1/1/14 SWE Forward
REGEHR, Richie 83//1/1/17 CAN Defenseman
REGENDA, Pavol 99//1/12/7 SVK Forward
REGIN, Måns 97//1/2/11 SWE Forward
REGIN, Peter 86//1/4/16 DEN Forward
REGNELL, Henric 85//1/4/29 SWE Goalkeeper
REHME, Johan 03//2/4/10 SWE Forward
REHN, Axel 92//1/9/24 SWE Defenseman
REHN, Daniel 04//2/1/5/ SWE Defenseman
REHNBERG, Henrik 77//1/7/20 SWE Defenseman
REHNBERG, Rickard 81//1/1/17 SWE Forward
REICHEL, Johannes 82//1/4/29 AUT Defenseman
REICHEL, Mischa 74//1/9/11 SWE Forward
REICHENBERG, Alexander 92//1/6/13 NOR Forward
REICHENBERG, Ronny 66//1/3/27 SWE Forward
REIDEBORN, Adam 92//1/1/18 SWE Goalkeeper
REIDEBORN, Sofia 99//1/3/24 SWE Goalkeeper
REIJONEN, Tuomas 77//1/8/30 FIN Forward
REIMAN, Jonas 00//2/4/4/ SWE Defenseman
REIMBLAD, Axel 87//1/5/20 SWE Forward
REIMER, William 98//1/1/22 SWE Defenseman
REIMER, Vincent 02//2/6/28 SWE Forward
REINECK, Johan 81//1/4/7/ SWE Forward
REINHARDT, Hugo 96//1/4/6/ SWE Forward
REINHOLD, Thomas 82//1/5/8/ SWE Defenseman
REINHOLDSSON, André 93//1/5/4/ SWE Forward
REINHOLDT, Jonathan 04//2/5/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
REINSSON, Johannes 83//1/6/27 SWE Forward
REIS, Henrik 84//1/4/24 SWE Forward
REKONEN, Aleksi 93//1/7/23 FIN Forward
REKSTAD, Sander 99//1/2/19 NOR Forward
REMSTAM, Mattias 75//1/1/25 SWE Defenseman
RENBERG, Mikael 72//1/5/5/ SWE Forward
RENBERG, William 98//1/7/3/ SWE Forward
RENDULIC, Borna 92//1/3/25 CRO Forward
RENEMARK, Isak 01//2/3/21 SWE Defenseman
RENLI, Jeff 82//1/1/30 SWE Forward
RENLING, Daniel 82//1/4/14 SWE Forward
RENLUND, Lukas 93//1/2/24 SWE Defenseman
RENLUND, Tobias 83//1/5/24 SWE Forward
RENSCH, Malkolm 95//1/9/26 SWE Forward
RENSFELDT, Ludvig 92//1/1/29 SWE Forward
RENSTRÖM, Fredrik 95//1/4/30 SWE Forward
RENSTRÖM, Johan 92//1/2/14 SWE Forward
RENSTRÖM, Tom 95//1/3/10 SWE Forward
REPOLA, Tommi 81//1/3/1/ FIN Goalkeeper
REUTERHÄLL, Per 74//1/1/8/ SWE Forward
REUTERLÖV, Mikael 83//1/4/28 SWE Defenseman
REWAY, Martin 95//1/1/24 SVK Forward
REZA, Saeid 04//2/5/17 SWE Goalkeeper
REZENE HJALMARSSON, Christopher 02//2/6/18 SWE Forward
RHEN, Carl 01//2/8/16 SWE Forward
RHEYNEUCLAUDES, Lucas 01//2/2/14 SWE Goalkeeper
RHODIN, Anton 96//1/3/24 SWE Defenseman
RHODIN, Jacob 02//2/4/23 SWE Forward
RHODIN, Lukas 00//2/5/18 SWE Defenseman
RHODIN, Marcus 94//1/8/17 SWE Defenseman
RHODIN, Thomas 71//1/4/8/ SWE Defenseman
RHOLIN, Kristoffer 83//1/6/1/ SWE Forward
RIAT, Damien 97//1/2/26 SUI Forward
RIBBENSTRAND, Alexander 87//1/1/9/ SWE Defenseman
RIBBENSTRAND, Patric 93//1/1/24 SWE Defenseman
RIBBESTAD, Felix 96//1/2/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
RIBBING, David 90//1/9/10 SWE Goalkeeper
RIBBNÄS, Oscar 97//1/5/26 SWE Forward
RIBOM, Emil 01//2/2/21 SWE Forward
RICAFORTE, Arnold 85//1/1/13 SWE Forward
RICAFORTE, Niklas 88//1/6/12 SWE Defenseman
RICCI, Robert 84//1/12/1 CAN Forward
RICHTER, Barry 70//1/9/11 USA Defenseman
RICHTER, Martin 77//1/12/6 CZE Defenseman
RICHTMANN, Jim 85//1/2/23 SWE Forward
RICKAN, Markus 94//1/4/21 SWE Goalkeeper
RICKARDSSON, Andreas 78//1/1/18 SWE Forward
RICKMAN, Oliver 94//1/1/26 SWE Defenseman
RICKMO, Jörgen 75//1/2/13 SWE Forward
RIDDERSTRÖM (ERICSSON), Lars-Erik 50//1/7/5/ SWE Forward
RIDDERWALL, Calle 88//1/5/28 SWE Forward
RIDDERWALL, Rolf 58//1/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
RIDDERWALL, Stefan 88//1/3/5/ SWE Goalkeeper
RIDHULT, Emil 94//1/2/10 SWE Defenseman
RIEDER, Tobias 93//1/1/10 GER Forward
RIEKKO, Janne 77//1/4/9/ FIN
RIEKSTINS, Kristaps 93//1/8/6/ LAT Forward
RIESTERER, Sebastian 93//1/1/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
RIETZ, Fabian 95//1/6/3/ SWE Defenseman
RIFALK, Christoffer 96//1/7/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
RIGELIUS, Niklas 95//1/2/15 SWE Forward
RIIHIAHO, Jakob 96//1/4/29 SWE Defenseman
RIIHIJÄRVI, Aleksis 93//1/5/16 SWE Forward
RIIHIJÄRVI, Juha 69//1/12/1 FIN Forward
RIIHIJÄRVI, Teemu 77//1/3/1/ FIN Forward
RIIS PEDERSEN, Mads 90//1/6/4/ DEN
RIKNER, Christoffer 94//1/8/15 SWE Forward
RIKNER, Niclas 96//1/4/29 SWE Forward
RIKSMAN, Juuso 77//1/4/1/ FIN Goalkeeper
RIMSBY, Gabriel 02//2/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
RINDAL, Alexander 89//1/9/4/ NOR Defenseman
RINDESTIG, Marcus 90//1/8/10 SWE Forward
RINDSTÅL, Rasmus 92//1/1/31 SWE Forward
RINDÅ, Alexander 96//1/11/1 SWE Forward
RINDÅS ABBASI, Emil 00//2/9/8/ SWE Defenseman
RING, Kristoffer 87//1/9/16 SWE Defenseman
RING, Linus 02//2/5/21 SWE Defenseman
RING, Marcus 95//1/1/19 SWE Forward
RING, Tomas 72//1/3/21 SWE Defenseman
RINGBERG, Victor 87//1/1/5/ SWE Forward
RINGHOLM, Martin 94//1/1/26 SWE Defenseman
RINGMAN, Jacob 03//2/9/24 SWE Forward
RINGQVIST, Filip 84//1/6/15 SWE Defenseman
RINGSBY, Jakob 99//1/6/16 SWE Forward
RINGSTAD, Christoffer 94//1/12/2 SWE Forward
RINGSTRÖM, Acke 91//1/3/8/ SWE Defenseman
RINGSTRÖM, Filip 91//1/4/15 SWE Defenseman
RINGSTRÖM, Marcus 86//1/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
RINGSTRÖM, Oskar 98//1/4/19 SWE Defenseman
RIPSTRAND, Emil 94//1/5/17 SWE Forward
RIPSTRAND, Simon 92//1/2/2/ SWE Defenseman
RISBERG, Johan 92//1/1/29 SWE Forward
RISBERG, Michael 75//1/11/6 SWE Defenseman
RISBERG, Rasmus 89//1/6/19 SWE Forward
RISENDAL, Toste 00//2/1/9/ SWE Forward
RISENDAL, Viktor 86//1/2/1/ SWE Forward
RISKA, Filip 85//1/5/13 FIN Forward
RISNERT, Simon 83//1/7/4/ SWE
RISP, Jonas 94//1/5/9/ SWE Forward
RISSANEN, Jaakko 89//1/11/1 FIN Forward
RISSANEN, Rasmus 91//1/7/13 FIN Defenseman
RITCHIE, Byron 77//1/4/24 CAN Forward
RITOLA, Mattias 87//1/3/14 SWE Forward
RIUTTA, Andrée 97//1/8/29 SWE Defenseman
RIUTTA, Lucas 99//1/7/9/ SWE Defenseman
RIVIERE, Marc 00//2/4/10 SWE Defenseman
RIZK, Jean 93//1/8/11 SWE Forward
RIZK, Viktor 93//1/5/11 SWE Forward
RIZZO, René 85//1/9/19 ITA Defenseman
ROBAR, Mitja 83//1/1/4/ SLO Defenseman
ROBERTSSON, Bert 74//1/6/30 SWE Defenseman
ROBERTSSON, Edvin 03//2/2/17 SWE Forward
ROBERTSSON, Simon 03//2/2/5/ SWE Forward
ROBINSON, Brent 81//1/3/10 CAN Forward
ROBINSON, Mathew 86//1/6/20 CAN Defenseman
ROBLES, Waldo 94//1/8/18 SWE Forward
ROBLING, Joel 98//1/2/15 SWE Forward
ROCCO, Vincent 87//1/6/26 ITA Forward
ROCHE, Travis 78//1/6/17 CAN Defenseman
ROCKWOOD, Adam 95//1/9/22 CAN Forward
RODDAR, Nils 56//1/11/2 SWE Forward
RODÉHN, Ola 82//1/2/23 SWE Defenseman
RODENSJÖ, Jonathan 98//1/2/16 SWE Forward
RODHE, David 99//1/9/7/ SWE Defenseman
RODLING, Simon 97//1/10/2 SWE Forward
RODMAN, David 83//1/9/10 SLO Forward
ROE, Garrett 88//1/2/22 USA Forward
ROEST, Nicklas 86//1/8/3/ NOR Forward
ROESZLER, Tyler 88//1/8/19 CAN Forward
ROGBRING, Pontus 88//1/5/4/ SWE Defenseman
ROGEMAN, Oliver 96//1/11/2 SWE Forward
ROGERSON, Oscar 94//1/1/18 SWE Forward
ROGNE, Eric 92//1/3/20 SWE Forward
ROHDIN, Joachim 91//1/10/3 SWE Forward
ROHLIN, Börje 59//1/4/8/ SWE Forward
ROHLIN, Leif 68//1/2/26 SWE Defenseman
ROHRMÜLLER, Johannes 95//1/4/23 SWE Goalkeeper
ROHRSTOCK, Jack 89//1/4/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
ROLANDSSON, Robin 87//1/4/27 SWE Forward
ROLLIN-CARLSSON, Rickard 87//1/11/1 SWE Forward
ROLLIN-CARLSSON, Victor 89//1/8/14 SWE Forward
ROMAKKANIEMI, Samu 02//2/11/1 FIN Defenseman
ROMANCIK, Ladislav 96//1/1/26 SVK Defenseman
ROMANO, Tony 88//1/1/5/ USA Forward
ROMEGÅRD, Anders 96//1/1/2/ SWE Forward
ROMERT, Gustav 99//1/6/29 SWE Defenseman
ROMFORS, Victor 94//1/1/26 SWE Forward
ROMFORS, William 97//1/9/16 SWE Forward
ROMMEL, Henrik 94//1/6/21 SWE Forward
ROMÖ, Martin 79//1/11/2 SWE Forward
ROMÖ, Mikael 77//1/9/21 SWE Forward
RONDAHL, Philip 96//1/12/1 SWE Forward
RONE, Emil 89//1/6/9/ SWE Defenseman
RONE, Pontus 92//1/11/1 SWE Forward
RONNHEIM, Fredrik 90//1/4/18 SWE Forward
RONSTAD, David 94//1/5/29 SWE Forward
ROOS, Filip 99//1/1/5/ SWE Defenseman
ROOS, Freddy 84//1/8/21 SWE Goalkeeper
ROOS, Hampus 98//1/2/11 SWE Forward
ROOS, Johan 82//1/3/6/ SWE Defenseman
ROOS, Julius 96//1/4/2/ SWE Defenseman
ROOS, Jörgen 79//1/3/25 SWE Forward
ROOS, Linus 97//1/12/1 SWE Forward
ROOS, Sebastian 94//1/9/13 SWE Defenseman
ROOS, Wilhelm 92//1/4/27 SWE Forward
ROOSEBOOM DE VRIES, Theo 00//2/8/15 NOR Goalkeeper
ROOTH, Emil 95//1/8/5/ SWE Forward
ROOTH, Johan 83//1/5/20 SWE
ROOTH, Peter 83//1/3/22 SWE Defenseman
ROPETER, Tim 96//1/1/28 SWE Forward
ROS, Filip 87//1/9/10 SWE Defenseman
ROSA, Pavel 77//1/7/6/ CZE Forward
ROSANDER, David 02//2/2/12 SWE Defenseman
ROSANDER, Dennis 97//1/1/3/ SWE Forward
ROSANDER, Ola 69//1/4/2/ SWE Forward
ROSAS, Hugo 89//1/11/2 SWE Defenseman
ROSBERG, Dante 96//1/4/17 SWE Forward
ROSBERG, Marcus 00//2/2/29 SWE Forward
ROSBORG, Jonas 78//1/1/12 SWE Forward
ROSBORG, Jonas 84//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
ROSBORG, Kalle 83//1/1/7/ SWE Forward
ROSDAHL, Alvin 02//2/6/28 SWE Defenseman
ROSDAHL, Jesper 99//1/10/2 SWE Forward
ROSDAHL, Kim 96//1/5/12 SWE Forward
ROSDAHL, Linus 97//1/6/5/ NOR Forward
ROSELL, Emil 94//1/1/14 SWE Forward
ROSELL, Filip 04//2/2/2/ SWE Forward
ROSEN, David 97//1/1/9/ SWE Forward
ROSEN, Theo 97//1/5/23 SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Adam 92//1/1/6/ SWE Defenseman
ROSÉN, Anton 96//1/7/27 SWE Goalkeeper
ROSÉN, Calle 94//1/2/2/ SWE Defenseman
ROSÉN, Carl 90//1/3/21 SWE Goalkeeper
ROSÉN, Carl 95//1/5/24 SWE Defenseman
ROSÉN, Casper 98//1/1/16 SWE Goalkeeper
ROSÉN, Elias 99//1/1/4/ SWE Defenseman
ROSÉN, Erik 87//1/6/13 SWE Defenseman
ROSÉN, Isak 03//2/3/15 SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Joakim 83//1/12/7 SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Joakim 89//1/5/14 SWE Defenseman
ROSÉN, Joakim 95//1/3/21 SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Johan 67//1/2/26 SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Ludwig 96//1/8/22 SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Milton 00//2/2/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
ROSÉN, Patrik 85//1/5/1/ SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Robert 87//1/6/25 SWE Forward
ROSÉN, Roger 54//1/1/28 SWE Goalkeeper
ROSÉN, Roger 74//1/4/18 SWE Forward
ROSENBERG, Christoffer 85//1/2/11 SWE Defenseman
ROSENBERG, Joel 90//1/6/8/ SWE Defenseman
ROSENBERG, Jonas 83//1/5/13 SWE Forward
ROSENBERG, Marcus 95//1/8/7/ SWE Defenseman
ROSENBERG, Morris 03//2/11/7 SWE Defenseman
ROSENBERG, Tobias 97//1/1/27 SWE Defenseman
ROSENBERG, Viktor 95//1/2/9/ SWE Defenseman
ROSENDAHL, Hans-Åke 49//1/1/15 SWE Defenseman
ROSENDAHL, Lucas 95//1/5/15 SWE Forward
ROSENDAHL, Sebastian 90//1/1/6/ SWE Forward
ROSENDAL, John 87//1/4/5/ SWE Defenseman
ROSENFORS, William 04//2/5/11 SWE Forward
ROSENGREN, Daniel 99//1/6/16 SWE Goalkeeper
ROSENGREN, Henrik 95//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
ROSENGREN, Torbjörn 76//1/4/8/ SWE Forward
ROSENGÅRD, Joar 99//1/11/3 SWE Forward
ROSENHOLM, Viktor 95//1/4/22 SWE Forward
ROSENIUS, Niklas 88//1/6/26 SWE Forward
ROSENKVIST, Per 75//1/5/14 SWE Forward
ROSENLUND, Sebastian 93//1/6/28 SWE Forward
ROSENQVIST, Marcus 85//1/5/25 SWE Defenseman
ROSENQVIST, Philip 92//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
ROSENQVIST, Rasmus 97//1/3/23 SWE Forward
ROSENSTAM, Andreas 92//1/1/22 SWE Defenseman
ROSLUND, Daniel 94//1/6/23 SWE Defenseman
ROSLUND, Freddy 99//1/5/18 SWE Forward
ROSLUND, Mikael 96//1/6/30 SWE Forward
ROSLUND, Robert 96//1/9/24 SWE Forward
ROSS, Patrik 70//1/2/27 SWE Forward
ROSSELI OLSEN, Mats 91//1/4/29 NOR Forward
ROSSÄNG, Joakim 91//1/1/31 SWE Forward
ROSTEDT, Hugo 99//1/9/9/ SWE Forward
ROTBAKKEN, Linus 92//1/2/3/ SWE Defenseman
ROTEVALL, Mathias 82//1/6/16 SWE Forward
ROTH, Christian 86//1/2/8/ SWE Defenseman
ROTH, Herman 95//1/2/16 SWE Forward
ROTHSTEN, Henning 02//2/2/5/ SWE Defenseman
ROTTING, Charlie 05//2/6/19 SWE Goalkeeper
ROUPE, Claes 67//1/5/18 SWE Forward
ROUPÉ, Magnus 63//1/3/23 SWE Forward
ROUPÉ, Simon 91//1/6/29 SWE Defenseman
ROUSSAKOFF, Kim 96//1/1/4/ SWE Defenseman
ROUSSON, Boris 70//1/6/14 CAN Goalkeeper
ROVA, Pär 74//1/1/2/ SWE Defenseman
ROWA-ENGSTRÖM, Kevin 92//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
ROVANEN, Rami 92//1/5/5/ FIN Defenseman
ROWE, Andrew 88//1/1/22 USA Forward
ROWLEY, Jordan 90//1/4/3/ CAN Defenseman
ROXÅ, Carl 88//1/10/8 SWE Defenseman
ROY, Derek 83//1/5/4/ CAN Forward
ROYSON, Felix 01//2/5/18 SWE Goalkeeper
ROYSON, Henrik 87//1/12/6 SWE Goalkeeper
ROZENTHAL, Francois 75//1/6/20 FRA Forward
ROZENTHAL, Maurice 75//1/6/20 FRA Forward
RUBENSON, Charlie 84//1/3/9/ SWE Forward
RUBENSON, Filip 87//1/4/15 SWE Forward
RUBIN, Fredrik 91//1/4/19 SWE Defenseman
RUBIN, Ludvig 92//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
RUBIN, Niklas 95//1/12/2 SWE Goalkeeper
RUBINS, Kristians 97//1/12/1 LAT Defenseman
RUCK, Erik 91//1/1/1/ SWE Defenseman
RUDA, Jesper 96//1/1/16 SWE Forward
RUDBY, Sven-Åke 52//1/6/20 SWE Forward
RUDFELDT, Martin 81//1/2/28 SWE Forward
RUDHAGE, Lucas 98//1/3/26 SWE Forward
RUDHAGE, Marcus 96//1/5/24 SWE Goalkeeper
RUDIN, Johan 75//1/2/14 SWE Defenseman
RUDOLPHI, Christian 96//1/1/4/ SWE Forward
RUDSLÄTT, Daniel 74//1/9/8/ SWE Forward
RUDSLÄTT, Liam 98//1/2/3/ SWE Forward
RUDSLÄTT, Rasmus 04//2/6/1/ SWE Forward
RUISMA, Veli-Matti 54//1/9/28 FIN Forward
RUIZ, Patrik 82//1/2/16 SWE Forward
RUKAJÄRVI, Roni 93//1/9/3/ FIN Defenseman
RUKS, Reinis 97//1/3/6/ LAT Forward
RULLANDER, Emil 98//1/4/19 SWE Goalkeeper
RULLANDER, Erik 00//2/7/20 SWE Forward
RULLANDER, Linus 02//2/6/18 SWE Goalkeeper
RUNBJER, Filip 99//1/6/5/ SWE Forward
RUNBJER, Gustav 89//1/4/22 SWE Defenseman
RUNDBERG, Mattias 94//1/3/15 SWE Defenseman
RUNDBLAD, David 90//1/10/8 SWE Defenseman
RUNDGREN, Andreas 91//1/5/17 SWE Forward
RUNDGREN, Linus 90//1/12/3 SWE Forward
RUNDGREN, Rasmus 94//1/4/26 SWE Defenseman
RUNDH, Fabian 93//1/2/20 SWE Forward
RUNDKVIST, Adam 90//1/7/14 SWE Forward
RUNDQUIST, Felix 97//1/6/12 SWE Goalkeeper
RUNDQVIST, David 93//1/1/13 SWE Forward
RUNDQVIST, Thomas 60//1/5/4/ SWE Forward
RUNDVALL, Pieter 99//1/11/3 SWE Defenseman
RUNDVIK, Magnus 81//1/4/13 SWE Forward
RUNERMARK, Kim 90//1/4/20 SWE Forward
RUNESSON, Albin 96//1/4/15 SWE Defenseman
RUNESSON, Marcus 83//1/4/20 SWE Forward
RUNESSON, Petter 93//1/9/11 SWE Defenseman
RUNFORS, Kristoffer 88//1/4/24 SWE Goalkeeper
RUNMON, Andreas 92//1/3/26 SWE Forward
RUNNEMALM, Philip 03//2/2/28 SWE Forward
RUNNKVIST, Marcus 97//1/7/18 SWE Forward
RUNSTEN, William 94//1/4/24 SWE Forward
RUNVIK, Martin 83//1/3/10 SWE Forward
RUOHOMAA, Mikael 88//1/11/1 FIN Forward
RUOTANEN, Arto 61//1/4/11 FIN Defenseman
RUOTSAARI, Joonas 96//1/1/10 SWE Forward
RUOTSALAINEN, Reijo 60//1/4/1/ FIN Defenseman
RUSSELL, Patrick 93//1/1/4/ DEN Forward
RUSSELL, Ryan 87//1/5/2/ CAN Defenseman
RUSSOM, Tomas 93//1/7/24 SWE Forward
RUTGERSON, Jacob 96//1/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
RUTGERSSON, Pontus 96//1/8/24 SWE Forward
RUTH, Adam 01//2/5/12 SWE Forward
RUTH, Jonatan 86//1/1/10 SWE Forward
RUUD, Henrik 87//1/7/21 SWE Defenseman
RUUSKA, Andreas 92//1/2/22 SWE Forward
RUUSKA, Benjamin 95//1/5/19 SWE Forward
RUUSKANEN, Markus 00//2/11/2 SWE Forward
RUUTTU, Alexander 92//1/12/9 FIN Forward
RUUTTU, Christian 64//1/2/20 FIN Forward
RYAN, Bobby 87//1/3/17 USA Forward
RYAN, Derek 86//1/12/2 USA Forward
RYAN, Joakim 93//1/6/17 SWE Defenseman
RYAN, Matt 83//1/11/1 GBR Forward
RYAN, Prestin 80//1/6/29 CAN Defenseman
RYBERG, Erik 01//2/11/2 SWE Forward
RYBERG, Johan 85//1/5/22 SWE Defenseman
RYCHEL, Kerby 94//1/10/7 CAN Forward
RYD, Jacob 93//1/7/9/ SWE Forward
RYD, Johan 89//1/10/3 SWE Forward
RYDAHL, Gustav 94//1/9/11 SWE Forward
RYDBERG, Andre 01//2/7/10 SWE Goalkeeper
RYDBERG, Elias 83//1/2/27 SWE
RYDE, Charlie 94//1/6/5/ SWE Forward
RYDELL, Adam 90//1/10/4 SWE Forward
RYDELL, David 92//1/3/3/ SWE Defenseman
RYDELL, Max 97//1/9/3/ SWE Forward
RYDEN, Jesper 01//2/3/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
RYDÉN, Andreaz 87//1/10/3 SWE Goalkeeper
RYDÉN, Jörgen 69//1/2/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
RYDÉN, Petter 83//1/7/28 SWE Defenseman
RYDÉN, Rikard 85//1/3/17 SWE Forward
RYDÉN, Tomas 93//1/11/3 SWE Goalkeeper
RYDER, Michael 80//1/3/31 CAN Forward
RYDER-JENSEN, Andreas 94//1/11/2 SWE Forward
RYDER-JENSEN, Martin 93//1/4/24 SWE Forward
RYDFJÄLL, Anders 59//1/6/15 SWE Forward
RYDH, Robin 86//1/5/15 SWE Goalkeeper
RYDH, Viktor 76//1/11/2 SWE Forward
RYDIN, Philip 03//2/1/6/ SWE Forward
RYDIN IREBRO, Hannes 98//1/7/4/ SWE Defenseman
RYDMARK, Daniel 70//1/2/23 SWE Forward
RYDQVIST, Hampus 99//1/3/12 SWE Defenseman
RYDSTRÖM, Sebastian 92//1/4/21 SWE Forward
RÜEGER, Ronnie 73//1/2/26 SUI Goalkeeper
RYFORS, Simon 97//1/8/16 SWE Forward
RYGAARD, Nils 95//1/4/11 SWE Forward
RYHED, Jonathan 94//1/8/25 SWE Defenseman
RYHÄNEN, Sami 80//1/5/23 FIN Forward
RYLANDER, Albin 01//2/10/3 SWE Forward
RYLANDER, Peter 72//1/8/11 SWE Forward
RYLANDER, Robin 88//1/2/6/ SWE Defenseman
RYLIN, Anders 49//1/5/3/ SWE Forward
RYMAN, Erik 72//1/6/10 SWE Defenseman
RYNGMARK, Nils 92//1/11/5 SWE Forward
RYNNÄS, Jussi 87//1/5/22 FIN Goalkeeper
RYNO, Johan 86//1/6/5/ SWE Forward
RYTTAR, Dennis 94//1/9/7/ SWE Defenseman
RYTTAR, Linus 96//1/7/18 SWE Goalkeeper
RZAVSKY, Daniel 94//1/4/27 SVK Defenseman
RÅBERG, Emil 92//1/8/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
RÅDBERG, Andreas 02//2/8/29 SWE Defenseman
RÅDBJER, Daniel 81//1/4/22 SWE Forward
RÅDBJER, Fredrik 93//1/7/15 SWE Goalkeeper
RÅDBJER, Ulf 60//1/5/18 SWE Forward
RÅDDE, Mike 88//1/2/11 SWE Defenseman
RÅDLUND, Jonas 76//1/9/27 SWE Defenseman
RÅSTEN, Jimmie 87//1/1/27 SWE Goalkeeper
RÅTTS, Leo 01//2/7/14 SWE Defenseman
RÄMÖ, Karri 86//1/7/1/ FIN Goalkeeper
RÄMÖ, Mikko 80//1/7/27 FIN Goalkeeper
RÖDÉN, Joakim 93//1/5/17 SWE Forward
RÖDIN, Anton 90//1/11/2 SWE Forward
RÖDLUND, Linus 97//1/7/25 SWE Forward
RÖDSTRÖM, Axel 89//1/2/3/ SWE Forward
RÖGDEN JÖNSSON, Mathias 85//1/10/4 SWE Forward
RÖJDVALL, Joachim 94//1/12/3 SWE Defenseman
RÖKAAS, Tim 91//1/9/26 SWE Defenseman
RÖNDBJERG, Jonas 99//1/3/31 DEN Forward
RÖNDBJERG, Mathias 97//1/1/21 DEN Defenseman
RÖNGÅRD, Pontus 91//1/5/29 SWE Defenseman
RÖNN, Andreas 87//1/6/1/ SWE Forward
RÖNN, Pontus 86//1/9/2/ SWE Forward
RÖNN, Viktor 94//1/8/3/ SWE Defenseman
RÖNNBACKE, Eric 94//1/5/28 SWE Forward
RÖNNBERG, Alexander 89//1/5/18 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNBERG, Joonas 83//1/2/19 FIN Defenseman
RÖNNBERG, William 95//1/8/6/ SWE Defenseman
RÖNNBLOM, Andreas 80//1/3/10 SWE Forward
RÖNNBLOM, Samuel 84//1/8/28 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNBÄCK, Daniel 87//1/3/27 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNBÄCK, Otto 01//2/9/25 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNBÄCK, Viktor 92//1/7/10 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNELÖW, Benny 75//1/9/26 SWE Forward
RÖNNELÖW, Jonathan 02//2/2/21 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNGARD, Terje 74//1/9/27 SWE Goalkeeper
RÖNNGREN, Jonas 98//1/4/5/ SWE Forward
RÖNNGREN, Marcus 00//2/2/25 SWE Forward
RÖNNHOLM, Jens 82//1/7/4/ SWE Defenseman
RÖNNILD, Martin 96//1/1/24 NOR Forward
RÖNNING, Alex 93//1/4/7/ SWE Defenseman
RÖNNING, Filip 92//1/8/7/ SWE Defenseman
RÖNNING, Hampus 01//2/3/17 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNING, Johan 92//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNING, Simon 99//1/3/28 SWE Goalkeeper
RÖNNING, Valter 88//1/9/30 FIN Forward
RÖNNLUND, Filip 94//1/9/1/ SWE Forward
RÖNNLUND, Joakim 86//1/2/17 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNMARK, Joel 90//1/1/24 SWE Defenseman
RÖNNMARK, Viktor 79//1/7/9/ SWE Defenseman
RÖNNQUIST, Petter 73//1/2/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
RÖNNQVIST, Jonas 73//1/8/22 SWE Forward
RÖNNQVIST, Patrik 84//1/7/8/ SWE Forward
RÖNNQVIST, Pontus 83//1/2/9/ SWE Defenseman
RÖNNQVIST, Viktor 00//2/11/3 SWE Goalkeeper
RÖNNQVIST SVENSSON, Jesper 97//1/6/11 SWE Defenseman
RÖRSTRAND, Simon 90//1/5/24 SWE Forward
RÖSNES, Assar 98//1/5/30 SWE Forward
RØYKÅS MARTHINSEN, Andreas 97//1/7/3/ NOR Defenseman
RØYKÅS MARTHINSEN, Kristian 99//1/8/28 NOR Forward
RÖYMARK, Martin 86//1/11/1 NOR Forward
© Copyright Swedish Ice Hockey Association 2007