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NABB, Kim 85//1/4/30 FIN Forward
NACCACHE, Fadi 89//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
NAENFELDT, Adam 90//1/4/24 SWE Goalkeeper
NAENFELDT, Martin 96//1/5/7/ SWE Forward
NAGEL, Lars-Peder 81//1/2/25 NOR Forward
NAGY, Ladislav 79//1/6/1/ SVK Forward
NARDELLA, Robert 96//1/4/22 ITA Defenseman
NARÉUS, Henrik 91//1/10/2 SWE Forward
NARVA, Jesse 85//1/2/10 SWE Defenseman
NARVANMAA, Jouko 62//1/9/10 FIN Defenseman
NASKOV, Alexander 96//1/8/2/ SWE Forward
NAUMOV, Dmitrij 81//1/11/7 RUS Forward
NAUMOVS, Sergei 69//1/4/4/ LAT Goalkeeper
NDOSSI, Bruno 98//1/11/2 SWE Forward
NEAL, Frank 54//1/10/3 CAN Defenseman
NEAL, Matthew 91//1/11/2 CAN Forward
NECKAR, Stanislav 75//1/12/2 CZE Defenseman
NEDELKA, Adam 02//2/3/3/ CZE Defenseman
NEDOROST, Andrej 80//1/4/30 SVK Forward
NEIJ, Johan 82//1/1/19 SWE Forward
NEIJ, Jonathan 93//1/10/4 SWE Defenseman
NEJDSÄTER, Anders 72//1/2/12 SWE Forward
NELIMARKKA, Jesper 90//1/10/8 SWE Forward
NELSON, Dennis 91//1/1/16 SWE Forward
NELSON, Linus 90//1/9/30 SWE Forward
NELSON, Oscar 86//1/3/14 SWE Goalkeeper
NELSON, Otto 83//1/8/21 SWE Forward
NEMECEK, Jan 76//1/1/14 CZE Defenseman
NEMECEK, Josef 02//2/1/7/ CZE Goalkeeper
NEMES, Benjamin 93//1/3/18 HUN Forward
NEMETH, Patrik 92//1/2/8/ SWE Defenseman
NÉMETH, Attila 92//1/10/1 HUN Forward
NEMIROVSKY, David 76//1/8/1/ CAN Forward
NENZÉN, Pär 85//1/7/11 SWE Defenseman
NERLE, Robert 94//1/8/31 SWE Defenseman
NERMARK, Joachim 93//1/5/12 SWE Forward
NERO, Adrian 92//1/2/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
NERVIK NILSEN, Kristian 95//1/4/8/ NOR Forward
NESS SALOMONSSON, Jonas 93//1/7/3/ SWE Defenseman
NESTUN, William 04//2/2/19 SWE Forward
NETIK, Tomas 82//1/4/28 CZE Forward
NETTELBLADT, Joakim 86//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
NETTERBERG, Anton 94//1/1/25 SWE Defenseman
NETTERBERG, Pontus 92//1/2/9/ SWE Forward
NEUBAUER, Henrik 97//1/4/15 SWE Forward
NEUDING, Markus 90//1/10/4 SWE Forward
NEUMAN, Niklas 82//1/2/24 SWE Forward
NEUVONEN, Melker 04//2/8/17 SWE Goalkeeper
NEVALAINEN, Joakim 83//1/3/30 SWE Defenseman
NEVALAINEN, Patrik 87//1/1/27 SWE Defenseman
NGUYEN, Hai 94//1/4/18 SWE Defenseman
NICANDER, Joel 87//1/12/3 SWE Defenseman
NICKERSON, Matt 85//1/1/11 USA Defenseman
NICKL, Thimo 01//2/12/4 AUT Defenseman
NICKLASSON, Erik 95//1/5/9/ SWE Forward
NICKLASSON, Gustav 03//2/7/10 SWE Defenseman
NICKLASSON, Karl 01//2/1/14 SWE Forward
NICLASSON, Jonathan 93//1/7/5/ SWE Forward
NIEDERBACH, Adam 02//2/2/25 SWE Defenseman
NIEDERBACH, Ludwig 95//1/4/19 SWE Forward
NIEDERBACH, Theodor 02//2/2/25 SWE Forward
NIEDOMYSL, Claes 79//1/2/16 SWE Forward
NIEDOMYSL, Johan 85//1/4/2/ SWE Forward
NIELSEN, Calle 96//1/1/26 SWE Forward
NIELSEN, Daniel 80//1/10/3 DEN Defenseman
NIELSEN, David 85//1/7/14 SWE Goalkeeper
NIELSEN, Dennis 02//2/4/15 SWE Goalkeeper
NIELSEN, Edwin 02//2/4/4/ SWE Defenseman
NIELSEN, Frans 84//1/4/24 DEN Forward
NIELSEN, Gustav 99//1/4/7/ SWE Defenseman
NIELSEN, Hugo 99//1/3/21 SWE Goalkeeper
NIELSEN, Isac 04//2/1/5/ SWE Forward
NIELSEN, Jens 69//1/10/2 DEN Forward
NIELSEN, Jesper 98//1/4/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
NIELSEN, Johan 85//1/5/30 SWE Defenseman
NIELSEN, Johan 91//1/9/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
NIELSEN, Jonatan 93//1/9/11 SWE Defenseman
NIELSEN, Kaj 54//1/9/28 SWE Defenseman
NIELSEN, Karl 86//1/12/2 SWE Forward
NIELSEN, Marcus 95//1/4/3/ DEN Forward
NIELSEN, Martin 83//1/9/28 SWE Forward
NIELSEN, Martin 85//1/5/22 DEN Forward
NIELSEN, Niclas 71//1/6/5/ SWE Forward
NIELSEN, Oskar 89//1/4/22 SWE Forward
NIELSEN, Teis 91//1/2/8/ DEN Forward
NIELSEN, William 98//1/9/17 SWE Defenseman
NIEMANN, Martin 82//1/7/2/ SWE Defenseman
NIEMELÄ, Fredrik 91//1/3/7/ SWE Forward
NIEMELÄ, Jonny 84//1/4/17 SWE Defenseman
NIEMELÄ, Rikard 87//1/5/2/ SWE Forward
NIEMI, Antti-Jussi 77//1/9/22 FIN Defenseman
NIEMI, Benjamin 95//1/8/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
NIEMI, Hannu 56//1/6/12 SWE Defenseman
NIEMI, Hugo 00//2/3/9/ SWE Defenseman
NIEMI, Johan 94//1/2/7/ SWE Defenseman
NIEMI, Lars-Göran 57//1/3/22 SWE Forward
NIEMI, Marcus 86//1/4/11 SWE Forward
NIEMI, Marko 71//1/1/18 FIN Forward
NIEMI, Timo 92//1/9/16 FIN Goalkeeper
NIEMINEN, Mika 66//1/1/1/ FIN Forward
NIEMINEN, Ville 77//1/4/6/ FIN Forward
NIHEI, Giovanni 04//2/10/9 SWE Defenseman
NIHEI, Jiro 71//1/3/9/ JPN Goalkeeper
NIHLÉN, Christoffer 84//1/3/8/ SWE Forward
NIHLSTORP, Cristopher 84//1/2/16 SWE Goalkeeper
NIIA, Peter 85//1/9/12 SWE Forward
NIINIKOSKI, Mikko 78//1/3/3/ FIN Forward
NIINIMAA, Janne 75//1/5/22 FIN Defenseman
NIINIMAA, Jonas 94//1/8/5/ SWE Defenseman
NIINIMÄKI, Jesse 83//1/8/19 FIN Forward
NIKANDER, Jarkko 71//1/4/18 FIN Forward
NIKKILÄ, Petteri 92//1/7/27 FIN Defenseman
NIKKO, Jani 74//1/6/7/ FIN Defenseman
NIKLASSON, Dan 61//1/9/10 SWE Defenseman
NIKLASSON, Erik 98//1/8/25 SWE Defenseman
NIKLASSON, Gustav 02//2/5/16 SWE Forward
NIKLASSON, Nils 95//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
NIKLASSON, Noel 00//2/6/15 SWE Goalkeeper
NIKLASSON, Oscar 95//1/2/10 SWE Defenseman
NIKOLA, Stefan 94//1/4/29 SWE Goalkeeper
NIKOLOV, Angel 75//1/11/1 CZE Defenseman
NIKUPETERI, Olli 02//2/11/2 FIN Forward
NILIMAA, Matthias 70//1/3/13 SWE Forward
NILSEN, Martin 00//2/9/25 SWE Forward
NILSÉN, Erik 77//1/4/20 SWE Defenseman
NILSMATS, Daniel 99//1/2/8/ SWE Forward
NILSON, Marcus 78//1/3/1/ SWE Forward
NILSON, Patrik 81//1/5/18 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Adam 89//1/11/1 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Adam 91//1/3/17 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Adam 95//1/9/29 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Adam 99//1/1/3/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Albin 98//1/9/18 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Alex 00//2/10/4 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Alexander 85//1/6/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Alexander 91//1/5/28 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Alexander 99//1/3/12 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Alexander 93//1/5/16 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Anders 70//1/4/13 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Anders 77//1/6/25 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Anders 87//1/1/14 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Anders 90//1/3/19 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Andreas 84//1/1/29 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Andreas 86//1/1/22 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Andreas 80//1/6/9/ SWE
NILSSON, Andreas 92//1/7/4/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Andreas 94//1/1/20 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Andreas 02//2/6/26 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Andreas 00//2/2/18 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Anton 93//1/9/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, August 98//1/6/1/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Axel 00//2/7/13 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Benjamin 01//2/8/28 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Billy 66//1/2/17 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Calle 93//1/10/9 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Christer 49//1/6/14 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Christoffer 83//1/10/2 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Christoffer 90//1/3/3/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Daniel 80//1/1/26 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Daniel 84//1/6/6/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Daniel 81//1/6/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Daniel 87//1/5/26 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Daniel 88//1/6/1/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Daniel 92//1/7/28 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Daniel 95//1/1/11 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, David 80//1/2/4/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, David 95//1/4/2/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, David 00//2/6/20 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Dennis 90//1/7/31 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Elias 91//1/2/9/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Elias 96//1/3/3/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Emil 87//1/3/4/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Emil 91//1/8/9/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Emil 00//2/9/28 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Emil 03//2/1/2/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Eric 85//1/3/27 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Erik 83//1/2/4/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Erik 82//1/3/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Erik 95//1/11/1 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Erik 95//1/4/12 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Erik 96//1/1/12 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Fabian 01//2/2/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Felix 94//1/9/29 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Felix 96//1/1/22 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Filip 99//1/3/3/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Frans 90//1/10/9 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Fred 02//2/11/1 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Fredrik 72//1/2/3/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Fredrik 71//1/4/16 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Fredrik 82//1/4/2/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Fredrik 93//1/4/2/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Fridolf 99//1/2/16 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Gustaf 94//1/5/26 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Gustav 00//2/2/10 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Gustav 00//2/1/2/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Göran 56//1/9/9/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Hans 62//1/4/1/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Hardy 47//1/6/23 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Henrik 70//1/1/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Henrik 77//1/8/22 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Henrik 80//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Henrik 91//1/5/5/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Hugo 02//2/3/11 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Isac 92//1/6/28 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Isak 98//1/2/7/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jacob 93//1/10/1 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jan 64//1/3/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jens 87//1/2/25 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jens 98//1/1/30 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jesper 98//1/3/26 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jimmy 91//1/9/6/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Joakim 94//1/8/29 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Joakim 98//1/10/5 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Joel 88//1/6/27 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Joel 93//1/4/9/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Johan 87//1/3/17 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Johan 87//1/2/9/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Johan 90//1/9/16 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Johan 92//1/2/21 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Johan 93//1/1/15 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Johannes 95//1/3/16 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jonas 77//1/3/28 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jonas 78//1/11/5 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jonas 91//1/1/17 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Jonathan 90//1/3/10 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Josef 94//1/3/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Kenneth 91//1/7/24 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Kent 59//1/3/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Kent 56//1/8/31 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Kevin 99//1/2/27 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Lars-Göran 52//1/4/13 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Lars-Göran 44//1/3/9/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Leon 01//2/9/5/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Liam 00//2/2/25 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Linus 92//1/4/18 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Linus 94//1/3/8/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Linus 00//2/10/1 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Linus 00//2/1/21 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Lucas 96//1/2/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Ludvig 96//1/11/3 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Ludvig 94//1/3/28 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Ludvig 02//2/2/11 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Ludwig 95//1/2/24 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Magnus 78//1/2/1/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Marcus 91//1/5/18 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Marcus 96//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Marcus 94//1/3/23 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Markus 91//1/3/30 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Markus 92//1/7/4/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Markus 99//1/6/16 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Martin 83//1/7/30 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Martin 82//1/3/4/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Martin 90//1/4/12 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Martin 92//1/12/2 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Martin 98//1/6/12 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Mathias 94//1/8/29 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Mattias 77//1/12/8 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Mattias 82//1/2/6/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Mattias 88//1/3/29 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Mattias 92//1/3/1/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Mattias 92//1/4/14 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Mattias 94//1/1/23 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Mattias 96//1/4/11 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Mattias 94//1/5/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Matz 70//1/9/15 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Max 97//1/11/2 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Max 02//2/2/3/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Melker 99//1/4/13 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Mikael 69//1/9/13 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Mikael 67//1/5/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Mikael 93//1/5/15 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Nicklas 88//1/7/18 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Niclas 94//1/8/4/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Niklas 77//1/5/3/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Niklas 84//1/9/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Niklas 84//1/7/11 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Niklas 91//1/3/16 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Niklas 91//1/7/30 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Niklas 96//1/4/4/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Niklas 94//1/6/21 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Niklas 03//2/7/26 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Nils 93//1/5/13 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Odd 64//1/1/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Oliver 00//2/3/1/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Oliver 96//1/3/1/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Oliver 96//1/9/25 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Oscar 94//1/11/2 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Oscar 02//2/3/16 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Oskar 91//1/4/12 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Oskar 97//1/6/24 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Oskar 02//2/7/21 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Patrick 94//1/4/13 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Patrik 88//1/6/17 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Peder 51//1/2/17 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Pelle 60//1/6/2/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Per 65//1/3/13 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Per-Filip 99//1/6/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Peter 53//1/12/1 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Peter 62//1/6/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Peter 84//1/5/8/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Petter 80//1/7/10 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Petter 91//1/6/22 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Petter 91//1/2/19 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Philip 92//1/5/21 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Philip 99//1/3/27 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Philip 01//2/4/11 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Pontus 81//1/7/21 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Pontus 93//1/2/16 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Pontus 96//1/1/12 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Rasmus 00//2/4/18 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Rasmus 96//1/2/12 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Rasmus 96//1/2/3/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Rasmus 01//2/3/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Rickard 85//1/10/1 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Rickard 84//1/7/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Robert 78//1/7/30 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Robert 85//1/1/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Robin 89//1/3/7/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Robin 91//1/1/20 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Robin 91//1/8/22 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Robin 92//1/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Robin 99//1/5/27 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Roger 46//1/9/5/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Rolf 57//1/8/16 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Ronny 66//1/10/4 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Sebastian 91//1/6/2/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Sebastian 92//1/4/1/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Sebastian 93//1/1/5/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Sebastian 99//1/3/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Severin 97//1/7/10 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Simon 92//1/7/1/ SWE
NILSSON, Simon 94//1/6/25 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Simon 94//1/9/5/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Simon 95//1/8/22 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Simon 95//1/3/30 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Stefan 68//1/2/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Stefan 75//1/6/11 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Stefan 61//1/7/5/ SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Stefan 68//1/4/5/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Stefan 68//1/9/12 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Stefan 65//1/1/31 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Stefan 84//1/5/13 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Stefan 84//1/8/22 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Sven 83//1/8/27 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Sven 96//1/8/29 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Ted 90//1/7/17 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Ted 93//1/6/8/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Teo 04//2/1/29 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Thomas 69//1/10/9 SWE
NILSSON, Tim 99//1/11/5 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Tom 93//1/8/19 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Tom 94//1/7/15 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Tom 00//2/1/9/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Tomas 90//1/2/26 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Torbjörn 55//1/4/6/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, Ulf 65//1/2/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Ulf 59//1/5/16 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Victor 03//2/5/14 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Viktor 93//1/3/31 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Viktor 95//1/10/9 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Wiktor 02//2/1/20 SWE Forward
NILSSON, Wilhelm 01//2/5/4/ SWE Forward
NILSSON, William 98//1/2/26 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, William 98//1/6/11 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON, Wilma 00//2/9/15 SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON, Örjan 72//1/10/9 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON ANDREN, Robin 02//2/3/12 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON FORNES, Philip 93//1/3/22 SWE Forward
NILSSON MENDEL, Gabriel 01//2/4/6/ SWE Forward
NILSSON MENDEL, Theodor 97//1/2/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON-ANDREN, Anthon 05//2/3/18 SWE Forward
NILSSON-GRANS, Pierré 92//1/5/19 SWE Forward
NILSSON-LÅNG, Petter 71//1/4/12 SWE Defenseman
NILSSON-MENDEL, Gustav 01//2/4/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
NILSSON-ROOS, Tobias 88//1/3/27 SWE Forward
NILSSON-SAHLIN, Richard 02//2/4/18 SWE Forward
NIMARKER, Joakim 81//1/1/4/ SWE Defenseman
NIMENIUS, Elias 96//1/7/4/ SWE Forward
NIMHEIM, Albin 92//1/7/27 SWE Forward
NISBETH, Mattias 92//1/5/11 SWE Forward
NISES, Anders 99//1/10/8 SWE Goalkeeper
NISES, Daniel 87//1/2/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
NISKA, Jakob 97//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
NISKALA, Janne 81//1/9/22 FIN Defenseman
NISKANEN, Mika 73//1/7/24 FIN Defenseman
NISSAS, Alexander 93//1/9/4/ SWE Forward
NISSER, Carl 93//1/2/20 SWE Defenseman
NISSNER, Benjamin 97//1/11/3 AUT Forward
NIVALAINEN, Hampus 99//1/6/25 SWE Goalkeeper
NIXON, Brock 87//1/2/4/ CAN Forward
NIZIVIJS, Aleksandrs 76//1/9/16 LAT Forward
NOAJNAS, Shervin 97//1/5/26 SWE Forward
NOAKSSON, Anders 79//1/1/10 SWE Defenseman
NOBLING, Daniel 85//1/4/16 SWE Defenseman
NOKELAINEN, Petteri 86//1/1/16 FIN Forward
NOKHRINE, Evgueni 76//1/10/3 RUS Forward
NOLAN, Brandon 83//1/7/18 CAN Forward
NOLANDER, Peter 81//1/1/29 SWE Defenseman
NOLEMO, Emil 98//1/3/7/ SWE
NONIS, Johan 84//1/5/2/ SWE Forward
NOONI, Niklas 88//1/9/28 SWE Forward
NOONI, Peter 59//1/1/29 SWE Forward
NORBE, Daniel 95//1/8/22 SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Andreas 87//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Antonio 97//1/9/22 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Emil 91//1/3/31 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Emil 99//1/2/22 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Fabian 98//1/2/4/ SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Fabian 95//1/7/13 SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Filip 00//2/7/11 SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Fredrik 82//1/7/24 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Fredrik 91//1/4/3/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Hans 59//1/8/11 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Jens 96//1/5/1/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Jesper 96//1/1/19 SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Johan 87//1/3/25 SWE Goalkeeper
NORBERG, Johan 02//2/9/11 SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Jonas 82//1/3/11 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Kent 67//1/6/12 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Kim 95//1/2/11 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Lennart 49//1/1/21 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Marcus 91//1/3/20 SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Marcus 97//1/3/3/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Nicklas 70//1/8/25 SWE Forward
NORBERG, Niklas 96//1/5/5/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Olle 03//2/8/9/ SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Patrik 82//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
NORBERG, Peter 82//1/3/4/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Simon 96//1/2/1/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Ulf 55//1/4/8/ SWE Forward
NORBERG, Willy 01//2/4/10 SWE Forward
NORBERG ASPNÄS, Philip 98//1/5/18 SWE Forward
NORBÄCK, Erik 72//1/8/14 SWE Forward
NORBÄCK, Jesper 98//1/4/23 SWE Forward
NORD, Anders 94//1/1/24 SWE Forward
NORD, Björn 72//1/4/5/ SWE Defenseman
NORD, Fabian 98//1/4/17 SWE Forward
NORD, Fredrik 93//1/9/11 SWE Defenseman
NORD, John 78//1/1/16 SWE Forward
NORD, Jonas 89//1/5/12 SWE Defenseman
NORD, Oscar 96//1/11/6 SWE Forward
NORDAHL, Nicklas 81//1/10/1 SWE Forward
NORDANSTÅHL, Isak 00//2/12/1 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Alfons 98//1/9/16 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Anders 79//1/7/2/ SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Carl-Joel 93//1/1/14 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Elias 04//2/3/10 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Markus 83//1/4/30 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Oliver 98//1/3/12 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Robert 70//1/3/26 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Simon 99//1/4/29 SWE Forward
NORDBERG, Svante 02//2/9/18 SWE Forward
NORDBRANDT, Folke 04//2/2/25 SWE Defenseman
NORDBY ANDERSEN, Bo 79//1/3/22 DEN Forward
NORDEMAN, Jakob 94//1/2/26 SWE Forward
NORDÉN, Alexander 99//1/12/3 SWE Defenseman
NORDÉN, Claes 93//1/2/21 SWE Forward
NORDÉN, Johan 87//1/6/3/ SWE Defenseman
NORDÉN, Magnus 95//1/3/14 SWE Forward
NORDENBERG, Nicklas 94//1/4/13 SWE Defenseman
NORDENBERG, Pontus 96//1/7/24 SWE Defenseman
NORDENSON, Victor 86//1/5/5/ SWE Forward
NORDENSTÅHL, Marcus 94//1/4/20 SWE Forward
NORDENSVED, Alexander 86//1/3/13 SWE Forward
NORDFELDT, Andreas 86//1/1/26 SWE Forward
NORDFELDT, Henrik 75//1/2/10 SWE Forward
NORDFELDT, Niklas 91//1/4/22 SWE Defenseman
NORDFJELL, Albin 96//1/4/3/ SWE Forward
NORDGAARD, Isak 03//2/3/22 SWE Defenseman
NORDGREN, Anders 81//1/6/26 SWE Forward
NORDGREN, Andreas 83//1/5/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
NORDGREN, Hannes 93//1/6/25 SWE Defenseman
NORDGREN, Johan 67//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NORDGREN, Niklas 79//1/6/28 SWE Forward
NORDGREN, Otto 91//1/10/1 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDH, Jim 87//1/7/7/ SWE Forward
NORDH, Markus 91//1/9/28 SWE Forward
NORDH, Mikael 81//1/7/25 SWE Defenseman
NORDH, Nils 02//2/1/31 SWE Defenseman
NORDH, Scott 92//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
NORDH, Simon 89//1/6/28 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDH, Tomas 58//1/7/18 SWE Defenseman
NORDHOLM, Axel 85//1/4/30 SWE Defenseman
NORDHOLM, Elliot 00//2/7/25 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Alexander 92//1/2/2/ SWE Forward
NORDIN, Andreas 96//1/4/5/ SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Christoffer 97//1/9/25 SWE Forward
NORDIN, Dennis 91//1/6/11 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Fabian 91//1/7/25 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Fredrik 96//1/3/29 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Henric 89//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Henrik 76//1/2/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
NORDIN, Håkan 61//1/1/15 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Håkan 71//1/10/1 SWE Forward
NORDIN, Jesper 97//1/5/14 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Jesper 96//1/9/2/ SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Joel 85//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
NORDIN, Johan 92//1/3/1/ SWE Forward
NORDIN, Jonas 91//1/11/2 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Kevin 97//1/5/12 SWE Forward
NORDIN, Linus 00//2/3/5/ SWE Forward
NORDIN, Marcus 82//1/3/16 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Martin 92//1/3/17 SWE Forward
NORDIN, Oscar 01//2/2/18 SWE Forward
NORDIN, Thom 85//1/11/1 SWE Forward
NORDIN, Tobias 87//1/1/2/ SWE Forward
NORDIN, Tom 83//1/2/16 SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Urban 66//1/4/1/ SWE Defenseman
NORDIN, Viktor 96//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
NORDING, Hampus 80//1/3/5/ SWE Forward
NORDLANDER, Christoffer 87//1/1/29 SWE Defenseman
NORDLANDER, Daniel 96//1/6/22 SWE Defenseman
NORDLANDER, Emil 91//1/5/5/ SWE Forward
NORDLANDER, Erik 04//2/8/12 SWE Defenseman
NORDLANDER, Jesper 85//1/9/7/ SWE Forward
NORDLANDER, Julian 93//1/2/11 SWE Forward
NORDLANDER, Oscar 92//1/3/1/ SWE Forward
NORDLANDER, Stefan 92//1/2/11 SWE Forward
NORDLIE, Andreas 93//1/5/19 SWE Defenseman
NORDLIE, Ludwig 98//1/9/20 SWE Forward
NORDLINDER, Axel 98//1/4/8/ SWE Defenseman
NORDLINDER, Per 65//1/8/11 SWE Forward
NORDLING, Johan 99//1/3/30 SWE Defenseman
NORDLUND, Edvard 01//2/7/12 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDLUND, Henrik 74//1/9/26 SWE Forward
NORDLUND, Markus 85//1/7/27 FIN Defenseman
NORDLUND, Oskar 92//1/12/1 SWE Forward
NORDLUND, Rasmus 93//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NORDLUND, Robert 74//1/5/19 SWE Forward
NORDLUND, Theo 02//2/7/20 SWE Defenseman
NORDLÖF, Johan 81//1/8/29 SWE Defenseman
NORDLÖF, Jörgen 81//1/2/16 SWE Forward
NORDLÖF, Victor 90//1/4/25 SWE Defenseman
NORDMARK, Dennis 92//1/10/3 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDMARK, Fredrik 99//1/7/22 SWE Defenseman
NORDMARK, Oliver 94//1/4/6/ SWE Forward
NORDMARK, Robert 62//1/8/20 SWE Defenseman
NORDMARK, Sebastian 91//1/4/3/ SWE Forward
NORDQUIST, Joakim 93//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
NORDQUIST, Jonas 82//1/4/26 SWE Forward
NORDQUIST, Niklas 75//1/5/12 SWE Defenseman
NORDQVIST, Carl-Alfred 97//1/7/9/ SWE Forward
NORDQVIST, Daniel 93//1/6/3/ SWE Defenseman
NORDQVIST, Frans 95//1/1/14 SWE Forward
NORDQVIST, Jacob 98//1/2/12 SWE Defenseman
NORDQVIST, Jacob 93//1/6/28 SWE Forward
NORDQVIST, Jimmy 91//1/9/3/ SWE Goalkeeper
NORDQVIST, Ludwig 99//1/11/2 SWE Forward
NORDQVIST, Ludwig 99//1/11/2 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDQVIST, William 90//1/8/26 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTEN, Henrik 81//1/10/1 SWE Forward
NORDSTRAND, André 98//1/1/22 SWE Forward
NORDSTRAND, Joakim 76//1/7/14 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, Anders 83//1/7/11 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Andreas 93//1/9/25 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDSTRÖM, Carl 00//2/10/2 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDSTRÖM, Daniel 98//1/7/18 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, David 95//1/4/29 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Dennis 94//1/1/17 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Fabian 02//2/2/12 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, Filip 98//1/6/17 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Hannes 01//2/10/2 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, Henrik 95//1/2/19 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, Jesper 95//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Joakim 92//1/2/25 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Joel 98//1/11/2 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Karl 94//1/10/3 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Kenneth 57//1/7/28 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Mathias 99//1/1/29 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Nicklas 78//1/8/23 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, Nils 94//1/11/9 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, Onni 52//1/5/31 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Patrick 87//1/1/21 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Patrik 96//1/3/13 SWE Defenseman
NORDSTRÖM, Peter 74//1/7/26 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Pontus 00//2/12/6 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Roger 66//1/4/27 SWE Goalkeeper
NORDSTRÖM, Tim 91//1/11/3 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Tobias 83//1/4/16 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Viggo 03//2/9/11 SWE Forward
NORDSTRÖM, Viktor 95//1/3/1/ SWE Defenseman
NORDSÄTER, Lucas 98//1/10/8 SWE Defenseman
NORDVALL, Albin 97//1/7/29 SWE Defenseman
NORDWALL, Erik 01//2/9/29 SWE Forward
NOREBY, Marcus 84//1/3/26 SWE Defenseman
NORELL, Marcus 71//1/4/5/ SWE Defenseman
NORELL, Mathias 94//1/6/28 SWE Forward
NORELL, Rasmus 96//1/5/19 SWE Forward
NORELL, Robin 95//1/2/18 SWE Defenseman
NOREMO, Tom 89//1/4/19 SWE Forward
NOREN, Petter 95//1/2/26 SWE Defenseman
NORÉN, Erik 01//2/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NORÉN, Hugo 96//1/2/20 SWE Defenseman
NORÉN, Isak 02//2/8/29 SWE Forward
NORÉN, Jakob 04//2/8/26 SWE Defenseman
NORÉN, Joel 96//1/3/19 SWE Defenseman
NORÉN, Johan 80//1/5/2/ SWE Defenseman
NORÉN, Marcus 90//1/4/24 SWE Goalkeeper
NORÉN, Patrik 92//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
NORÉN, Sebastian 96//1/7/24 SWE Forward
NORGREN, Alexander 95//1/12/1 SWE Forward
NORGREN, Christoffer 74//1/7/2/ SWE Defenseman
NORGREN, Johan 72//1/2/3/ SWE Defenseman
NORGREN, Marcus 91//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NORGREN, Oliver 01//2/2/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
NORGREN, Patrik 63//1/2/25 SWE Goalkeeper
NORGREN, Victor 89//1/3/2/ SWE Defenseman
NORIN, Eric 91//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
NORIN, Joakim 85//1/6/8/ SWE Defenseman
NORIN, Niklas 81//1/8/12 SWE Goalkeeper
NORIN, Niklas 93//1/4/29 SWE Forward
NORJA, Mika 84//1/12/2 FIN Goalkeeper
NORLEN, Rasmus 93//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
NORLIN, Cristopher 93//1/7/8/ SWE Forward
NORLIN, Fredrik 71//1/7/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
NORLIN, Joe 93//1/9/29 SWE Defenseman
NORLIN, Joel 02//2/1/14 SWE Goalkeeper
NORLINDER, Mattias 00//2/4/12 SWE Defenseman
NORLING, Emil 96//1/1/21 SWE Forward
NORLING, Martin 96//1/4/22 SWE Forward
NORLING, Rickard 85//1/1/24 SWE Forward
NORLUND, Timothy 95//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
NORLÖV, Joel 90//1/1/2/ SWE Forward
NORLÖV, Oskar 94//1/5/26 SWE Forward
NORMAN, Bill 92//1/6/27 SWE Defenseman
NORMAN, Filip 90//1/3/22 SWE Forward
NORMAN, Fredrik 92//1/6/28 SWE Forward
NORMAN, John 91//1/1/6/ SWE Forward
NORMAN, Oskar 92//1/3/3/ SWE Defenseman
NORMANN, Tobias 01//2/8/3/ NOR Goalkeeper
NORONEN, Mika 79//1/6/17 FIN Goalkeeper
NORRBOM, Patrik 84//1/2/12 SWE Forward
NORRBY, Andreas 91//1/7/12 SWE Defenseman
NORRBY, Emil 88//1/2/27 SWE Defenseman
NORRENA, Fredrik 73//1/11/2 FIN Goalkeeper
NORRENA, Zacharias 93//1/1/7/ SWE Forward
NORRING, Douglas 88//1/12/7 SWE Forward
NORRLUND, Daniel 00//2/1/22 SWE Defenseman
NORRMAN, David 91//1/1/14 SWE Forward
NORRMAN, Elliot 00//2/5/10 SWE Forward
NORSTEDT, Emil 94//1/2/16 SWE Defenseman
NORSTEDT, Ludvig 94//1/2/17 SWE Defenseman
NORSTRÖM, Andreas 97//1/4/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
NORSTRÖM, Claes 59//1/3/4/ SWE Defenseman
NORSTRÖM, Eric 84//1/12/1 SWE Forward
NORSTRÖM, Johan 83//1/2/27 SWE Defenseman
NORSTRÖM, Mattias 72//1/1/2/ SWE Defenseman
NORTHMAN, Viggo 03//2/3/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
NORTINSSON, Victor 90//1/3/28 SWE Defenseman
NOTENG, Marcus 94//1/1/20 NOR Forward
NOTING, Timothy 91//1/10/5 SWE Goalkeeper
NOTLIN, Alessandro 00//2/9/22 SWE Forward
NOVAK, Jan 79//1/2/9/ CZE Defenseman
NOVAK, Max 91//1/4/15 USA Forward
NOWAK, Jesper 85//1/11/3 SWE Forward
NOWICK, Darren 91//1/10/2 USA Forward
NUMMELIN, Petteri 72//1/11/2 FIN Defenseman
NUNN, Garry 89//1/11/1 CAN Forward
NURKKALA, Johan 83//1/7/20 SWE Forward
NURMI, Juha 59//1/2/25 FIN Forward
NURMI, Kai 53//1/6/2/ SWE Defenseman
NURMI, Tobias 76//1/11/1 SWE
NURMINEN, Kai 69//1/3/29 FIN Forward
NURMINEN, Pasi 75//1/12/1 FIN Goalkeeper
NUUTINEN, Sami 71//1/6/11 FIN Defenseman
NYBECK, Chris 88//1/1/5/ SWE Forward
NYBECK, Zion 02//2/5/12 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Alexander 82//1/5/17 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Andreas 79//1/8/17 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Andreas 97//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Anton 85//1/12/2 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Christian 88//1/4/9/ SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Daniel 01//2/6/12 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Filip 03//2/4/11 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Henrik 94//1/6/19 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Jakob 00//2/5/9/ SWE Forward
NYBERG, Jim 95//1/1/19 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Joachim 92//1/7/7/ SWE Forward
NYBERG, Joakim 90//1/1/21 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Joakim 95//1/7/7/ SWE Forward
NYBERG, Johan 87//1/2/24 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, John 96//1/7/14 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Kristoffer 80//1/4/23 SWE Goalkeeper
NYBERG, Lars 58//1/3/31 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Magnus 87//1/7/7/ SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Marcus 86//1/1/16 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Marcus 90//1/11/1 SWE Goalkeeper
NYBERG, Markus 97//1/4/21 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Mikael 86//1/10/1 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Nicklas 87//1/3/11 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Oscar 85//1/6/24 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Patrik 71//1/2/10 SWE Forward
NYBERG, Philip 97//1/4/27 SWE Defenseman
NYBERG, Timmy 88//1/4/12 SWE Defenseman
NYBLOM, Albert 99//1/1/6/ SWE Defenseman
NYBLOM, August 01//2/2/15 SWE Defenseman
NYBORG, Johan 01//2/10/2 SWE Goalkeeper
NYDAHL, Nicklas 88//1/6/8/ SWE Defenseman
NYGREN, Alexander 95//1/5/12 SWE Goalkeeper
NYGREN, Christoffer 95//1/1/12 SWE Forward
NYGREN, Fredrik 81//1/4/8/ SWE Defenseman
NYGREN, Henrik 83//1/1/23 SWE Defenseman
NYGREN, Håkan 44//1/7/7/ SWE Forward
NYGREN, Jesper 92//1/8/27 SWE Defenseman
NYGREN, Jonas 82//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NYGREN, Magnus 90//1/6/7/ SWE Defenseman
NYGREN, Marcus 01//2/1/12 SWE Goalkeeper
NYGREN, Markus 95//1/4/17 SWE Forward
NYGREN, Markus 96//1/7/2/ SWE Forward
NYGREN, Tim 94//1/6/1/ SWE Forward
NYGREN, William 96//1/7/16 SWE Defenseman
NYGÅRD, Joakim 93//1/1/8/ SWE Forward
NYGÅRDH, Kristoffer 89//1/7/25 SWE Forward
NYGÅRDH, Samuel 83//1/2/22 SWE Defenseman
NYGÅRDS, Erik 00//2/8/30 SWE Goalkeeper
NYGÅRDS, Isak 01//2/3/3/ SWE Forward
NYGÅRDS, Magnus 83//1/2/4/ SWE Forward
NYGÅRDS KERS, Per 65//1/12/2 SWE Defenseman
NYH, Jack 95//1/9/15 SWE Forward
NYH, John 81//1/4/6/ SWE Defenseman
NYHLÉN-PERSSON, Simon 03//2/2/25 SWE Defenseman
NYKOPP, Timo 66//1/5/3/ FIN Defenseman
NYKVIST, Andreas 77//1/9/7/ SWE Forward
NYKVIST, Anton 91//1/7/17 SWE Forward
NYKVIST, Linus 94//1/6/29 SWE Goalkeeper
NYKVIST, Sebastian 91//1/6/16 FIN Forward
NYLANDER, Alexander 98//1/3/2/ SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Fredrik 79//1/7/12 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Hans 57//1/1/23 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Johan 90//1/4/3/ SWE Defenseman
NYLANDER, Marcus 01//2/6/25 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Mattias 88//1/6/13 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Maximilian 96//1/5/3/ SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Michael 72//1/10/3 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Per 73//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NYLANDER, Peter 76//1/1/20 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Tommy 89//1/3/13 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, Victor 94//1/4/10 SWE Forward
NYLANDER, William 99//1/9/14 SWE Goalkeeper
NYLANDER, William 96//1/5/1/ SWE Forward
NYLÉN, Anders 54//1/7/25 SWE Defenseman
NYLÉN, Edvin 03//2/4/26 SWE Forward
NYLÉN, Fredrik 73//1/2/22 SWE Defenseman
NYLÉN, John 82//1/11/1 SWE Forward
NYLIN, Jonathan 95//1/3/4/ SWE Defenseman
NYLUND, Henrik 84//1/1/17 SWE Forward
NYLUND, Mathias 82//1/3/11 SWE Forward
NYLUND, Mattias 89//1/3/22 SWE Forward
NYLUND, Rick 90//1/3/27 SWE Defenseman
NYMAN, Andreas 83//1/7/4/ FIN Forward
NYMAN, Christian 91//1/2/3/ SWE Forward
NYMAN, Daniel 80//1/2/7/ SWE Defenseman
NYMAN, Jan 54//1/7/9/ SWE Defenseman
NYMAN, Joar 94//1/1/31 SWE Goalkeeper
NYMAN, Jonas 89//1/1/27 SWE Goalkeeper
NYMAN, Jonas 97//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
NYMAN, Mathias 94//1/1/22 SWE Defenseman
NYMAN, Patrik 81//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
NYMAN, Stefan 72//1/6/1/ SWE Defenseman
NYMAN, Viktor 00//2/4/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
NYQUIST, Gustav 89//1/9/1/ SWE Forward
NYQUIST, Oscar 93//1/7/9/ SWE Defenseman
NYQVIST, Jakob 98//1/12/1 SWE Goalkeeper
NYQVIST, Johan 96//1/7/2/ SWE Defenseman
NYQVIST, Pontus 99//1/1/22 SWE Defenseman
NYRÉN, Petter 80//1/11/3 SWE Defenseman
NYSTEN, Rasmus 97//1/10/9 SWE Forward
NYSTRAND, Måns 92//1/10/4 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Alexander 94//1/1/20 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Anton 92//1/6/9/ SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Anton 96//1/2/18 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Arvid 01//2/11/2 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Björn 84//1/8/21 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Daniel 83//1/5/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
NYSTRÖM, David 80//1/2/21 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Erik 93//1/10/3 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Filip 93//1/7/26 SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Fredrik 98//1/3/18 SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Isak 94//1/6/17 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Jakob 83//1/9/3/ SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Jens 76//1/1/2/ SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Joel 02//2/5/14 SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Lars 55//1/3/5/ SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Lars-Fredrik 49//1/8/10 SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Linus 93//1/6/4/ SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Oskar 81//1/3/8/ SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Peter 82//1/2/4/ SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Rasmus 93//1/6/23 SWE Goalkeeper
NYSTRÖM, Simon 96//1/6/27 SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Simon 98//1/5/12 SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Teodor 00//2/6/19 SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Tomas 80//1/1/5/ SWE Defenseman
NYSTRÖM, Victor 00//2/5/26 SWE Forward
NYSTRÖM, Viktor 95//1/2/13 SWE Defenseman
NÜTH, Anton 02//2/4/11 SWE Forward
NÄKYVÄ, Kristian 90//1/11/1 FIN Defenseman
NÄNSEN, Thomas 68//1/1/20 SWE Defenseman
NÄNZÉN, Tord 54//1/8/23 SWE Defenseman
NÄSÉN, Jakob 98//1/10/4 SWE Forward
NÄSÉN, Pontus 96//1/8/16 SWE Defenseman
NÄSGÅRDE, Tobias 94//1/1/21 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Alex 02//2/3/12 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Ante 02//2/1/13 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Bert-Roland 62//1/4/2/ SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Daniel 89//1/3/23 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Daniel 91//1/10/5 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Einar 04//2/4/19 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Erik 93//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Fredrik 86//1/2/11 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Jens 76//1/4/6/ SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Jesper 97//1/7/6/ SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Jonas 82//1/5/17 SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Jonas 93//1/1/4/ SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Kalle 02//2/6/8/ SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Kevin 91//1/2/16 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Kristoffer 76//1/3/16 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Lars 81//1/1/12 SWE
NÄSLUND, Linus 97//1/1/17 SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Markus 73//1/7/30 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Markus 95//1/3/27 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Mats 59//1/10/3 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Mattias 96//1/4/17 SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Niklas 93//1/5/15 SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND, Nils 95//1/2/9/ SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Oskar 87//1/7/23 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Patrik 92//1/4/10 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Petter 85//1/6/25 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Petter 88//1/8/5/ SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Robert 85//1/3/19 SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Simon 93//1/1/18 SWE Goalkeeper
NÄSLUND, Tobias 79//1/7/4/ SWE Forward
NÄSLUND, Tommie 86//1/8/10 SWE Goalkeeper
NÄSLUND, Viktor 92//1/7/1/ SWE Defenseman
NÄSLUND NORDQVIST, Dennis 95//1/1/27 SWE Forward
NÄSMAN, Albin 90//1/3/7/ SWE Forward
NÄSMAN, Andreas 88//1/1/15 SWE Defenseman
NÄSSÉN, Linus 98//1/5/10 SWE Defenseman
NÄSSÉN, Linus 00//2/5/17 SWE Forward
NÄSSTRÖM, Alexander 92//1/2/27 SWE Defenseman
NÄSSTRÖM, Anders 71//1/10/1 SWE Goalkeeper
NÄSSTRÖM, Anton 99//1/10/6 SWE Forward
NÄSSTRÖM, Axel 03//2/8/13 SWE Forward
NÄSSTRÖM, Christoffer 94//1/11/1 SWE Goalkeeper
NÄSSTRÖM, Linus 86//1/9/26 SWE Forward
NÄSSTRÖM, Simon 95//1/4/26 SWE Forward
NÄSVALL, Fredrik 73//1/11/1 SWE Forward
NÄTTINEN, Joonas 91//1/1/3/ FIN Forward
NÄTTINEN, Julius 97//1/1/14 FIN Forward
NÄTTINEN, Topi 94//1/4/1/ FIN Forward
NÄÄS, Fredrik 00//2/3/17 SWE Forward
NÖJD, Johan 96//1/6/3/ SWE Goalkeeper
NÖRSTEBÖ, Mattias 95//1/6/3/ NOR Defenseman
NÖRSTEBÖ, Svein 72//1/2/26 NOR Defenseman
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