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MABROUK, Xavier 96//1/6/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
MACAULAY, Scott 90//1/11/2 HUN Defenseman
MACEK, Denis 92//1/3/26 SWE Goalkeeper
MACHULDA, Vladimir 71//1/1/13 CZE Forward
MACIEJEWSKI, Dawid 91//1/1/2/ POL Forward
MACKEGÅRD, Jens 62//1/3/5/ SWE Defenseman
MACKLIN, Lukas 00//2/6/21 SWE Forward
MACKNOW, Jesper 99//1/2/4/ SWE Forward
MACLEAN, Donald 77//1/1/14 CAN Forward
MACLEOD, Pat 69//1/6/15 CAN Defenseman
MACMILLAN, Mark 92//1/1/23 CAN Forward
MACNEVIN, Josh 77//1/7/14 CAN Defenseman
MADACH, Peter 63//1/2/26 SWE Forward
MADAISKY, Austin 92//1/1/30 CAN Defenseman
MADERNER, Ludwig 96//1/8/16 SWE Forward
MADRELL, Alexander 82//1/9/23 SWE Forward
MADSEN, David 99//1/1/25 DEN Forward
MADSEN, Morten 87//1/1/16 DEN Forward
MADSEN, Pontus 01//2/1/14 SWE Defenseman
MAELUM, Albin 93//1/3/14 SWE Forward
MAGNÉ, Linus 90//1/1/28 SWE Forward
MAGNEFORS, August 96//1/3/24 SWE Goalkeeper
MAGNELL, Carl 98//1/11/4 SWE Forward
MAGNERTOFT, Marcus 75//1/1/9/ SWE Forward
MAGNERYD, Karl-Johan 95//1/9/21 SWE Goalkeeper
MAGNI, William 01//2/1/29 SWE Forward
MAGNUSON, Johan 85//1/1/31 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSEN, Kasper 04//2/2/19 NOR Forward
MAGNUSSEN, Trond 73//1/2/1/ NOR Forward
MAGNUSSON, Adam 97//1/9/27 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Anton 91//1/2/27 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Benjamin 00//2/8/8/ SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Björn 87//1/7/10 SWE Goalkeeper
MAGNUSSON, Christian 79//1/6/26 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Daniel 91//1/1/30 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Emil 94//1/5/4/ SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Jan 76//1/2/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
MAGNUSSON, Jens 85//1/5/7/ SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Johan 85//1/4/24 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Jonathan 88//1/8/5/ SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Jonathan 94//1/4/6/ SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Kenna 81//1/6/15 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Ludvig 93//1/4/16 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Magnus 82//1/4/21 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Magnus 98//1/4/4/ SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Marcus 81//1/7/22 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Markus 96//1/2/12 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Martin 92//1/2/19 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Mattias 96//1/1/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
MAGNUSSON, Max 02//2/2/27 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Mikael 73//1/3/15 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Niklas 84//1/8/15 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Niklas 95//1/7/20 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Oskar 02//2/1/31 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Patrik 88//1/3/12 SWE Defenseman
MAGNUSSON, Philip 97//1/1/7/ SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Sebastian 88//1/9/8/ SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Sebastian 92//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, Thomas 57//1/3/6/ SWE Goalkeeper
MAGNUSSON, William 00//2/3/19 SWE Forward
MAGNUSSON, William 02//2/3/2/ SWE Forward
MAHLBERG, Robin 04//2/5/27 SWE Goalkeeper
MAIER, Andreas 97//1/2/7/ SWE Forward
MAIER, David 00//2/1/12 AUT Defenseman
MAIJANEN, Markus 90//1/7/27 SWE Forward
MAIKKULA, Oskar 91//1/3/25 SWE Forward
MAJDAN, Juraj 91//1/8/20 SVK Forward
MAJESKY, Ivan 76//1/9/2/ SVK Defenseman
MAJIC, Xavier 73//1/10/3 CAN Forward
MAKKONEN, Jussi 85//1/4/24 FIN Forward
MAKLIN, Anton 02//2/6/15 SWE Forward
MALEK, Roman 77//1/9/25 CZE Goalkeeper
MALHOTRA, Manny 80//1/5/18 CAN Defenseman
MALIK, Marek 75//1/6/24 CZE Defenseman
MALINOWSKI, Alexander 01//2/2/7/ SWE Forward
MALKAN-ERIKSSON, Johan 92//1/11/2 SWE Forward
MALLMIN, Erik 98//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MALM, Anders 75//1/2/18 SWE Goalkeeper
MALM, Christoffer 87//1/12/2 SWE Forward
MALM, Emil 94//1/8/21 SWE Forward
MALM, Hampus 04//2/8/13 SWE Defenseman
MALM, Hans 52//1/9/14 SWE Defenseman
MALM, Lars 91//1/4/16 SWE Defenseman
MALM, Leonard 85//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
MALM, Linus 02//2/4/6/ SWE Defenseman
MALM, Oscar 94//1/9/16 SWE Goalkeeper
MALM, Sebastian 85//1/3/27 SWE Forward
MALM, Tony 74//1/5/9/ SWE Forward
MALMBERG, Adam 99//1/3/23 SWE Forward
MALMBERG, Anton 93//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
MALMBERG, Isak 97//1/12/1 SWE Goalkeeper
MALMBERG, Oscar 00//2/5/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
MALMBERG, Patrik 84//1/2/27 SWE Forward
MALMBERG, Philip 96//1/1/3/ SWE Defenseman
MALMBORG, Anton 98//1/10/7 SWE Goalkeeper
MALMBORG, Johan 97//1/5/23 SWE Defenseman
MALMBORG, Sven 50//1/2/11 SWE Goalkeeper
MALMÉN, Nicklas 93//1/5/5/ SWE Defenseman
MALMGREN, Eric 96//1/10/9 SWE Goalkeeper
MALMGREN, Johan 91//1/3/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
MALMIA, William 01//2/4/21 SWE Defenseman
MALMKVIST, Elias 99//1/6/29 SWE Forward
MALMQUIST, Theo 97//1/7/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
MALMQVIST, Carl 02//2/6/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
MALMQVIST, Staffan 68//1/3/11 SWE Forward
MALMQVIST, Torbjörn 84//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MALMSKÖLD, Arvid 96//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MALMSTEDT, Markus 95//1/10/8 SWE Defenseman
MALMSTRÖM, Alfons 98//1/6/12 SWE Defenseman
MALMSTRÖM, Anton 00//2/3/18 SWE Defenseman
MALMSTRÖM, Gustav 92//1/2/26 SWE Forward
MALMSTRÖM, Henrik 78//1/8/26 SWE Forward
MALMSTRÖM, Henrik 98//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MALMSTRÖM, Jonathan 94//1/4/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
MALMTOFT, Marcus 95//1/8/21 SWE Goalkeeper
MALYSJEV, Emil 01//2/5/1/ SWE Defenseman
MAMCICS, Roberts 95//1/4/6/ LAT Defenseman
MANBERG, Alexander 96//1/5/27 SWE Forward
MANBERG, Sebastian 94//1/9/24 SWE Forward
MANCINI, Vittorio 02//2/5/26 USA Defenseman
MANDERVILLE, Kent 71//1/4/12 CAN Forward
MANGBO, Axel 03//2/4/15 SWE Goalkeeper
MANISCALCHI, Filip 03//2/11/5 SWE Defenseman
MANN, Edwin 96//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MANN, Filip 95//1/7/23 SWE Defenseman
MANN, Peter 68//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MANN, Stefan 75//1/6/2/ GER Forward
MANN, Strauss 98//1/8/18 USA Goalkeeper
MANN, William 98//1/6/10 SWE Defenseman
MANNBERG, Daniel 92//1/12/2 SWE Forward
MANNBERG, Niklas 64//1/3/9/ SWE Forward
MANNBERG, Niklas 88//1/3/13 SWE Forward
MANNEBRATT, Fabian 02//2/6/1/ SWE Defenseman
MANNINEN, Mika 71//1/6/18 FIN Goalkeeper
MANNINEN, Sakari 92//1/2/10 FIN Forward
MANNSTRÖM, Fredrik 82//1/3/29 SWE Defenseman
MANTLER, Isak 98//1/12/2 SWE Goalkeeper
MAPLETOFT, Justin 81//1/1/11 CAN Forward
MARBLE, Evan 72//1/4/9/ CAN Defenseman
MARCHAND, Lionel 01//2/9/23 SUI Forward
MARCINKO, Tomas 88//1/4/11 SVK Forward
MARCKO, Linus 99//1/5/26 SWE Goalkeeper
MARCUSSON, David 80//1/9/1/ SWE Defenseman
MARCUSSON, Oliver 97//1/5/22 SWE Defenseman
MARCUSSON, William 91//1/8/17 SWE Forward
MARHA, Simon 03//2/4/16 CZE Forward
MARINUCCI, Christopher 71//1/12/2 USA Forward
MARJAMÄKI, Masi 85//1/1/16 FIN Forward
MARJAMÄKI, Pekka 47//1/12/1 FIN Defenseman
MARK, Christian 90//1/5/22 SWE Defenseman
MARKEBY, Lars-Ove 56//1/1/1/ SWE Forward
MARKGREN, Nils 95//1/3/24 SWE Forward
MARKL, Stefan 79//1/1/13 SWE Forward
MARKLEW, Sam 97//1/4/29 SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Adam 87//1/6/28 SWE Defenseman
MARKLUND, Anton 90//1/3/4/ SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Anton 90//1/1/22 SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Erik 76//1/5/29 SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Gustav 90//1/8/25 SWE Defenseman
MARKLUND, Henrik 94//1/6/25 SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Hugo 02//2/2/3/ SWE Goalkeeper
MARKLUND, John 86//1/6/30 SWE Defenseman
MARKLUND, Jörgen 64//1/6/15 SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Lars 63//1/3/20 SWE Defenseman
MARKLUND, Ludwig 92//1/1/6/ SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Roger 69//1/4/15 SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Sam 93//1/1/4/ SWE Forward
MARKLUND, Viktor 91//1/12/1 SWE Forward
MARKMAN, Ludvig 03//2/11/2 SWE Defenseman
MARKSTEDT, André 93//1/3/4/ SWE Forward
MARKSTRÖM, Jacob 90//1/1/31 SWE Goalkeeper
MARKSTRÖM, Karl 99//1/5/1/ SWE Defenseman
MARKSTRÖM, Robin 90//1/3/19 SWE Forward
MARKUSSON, Johan 79//1/8/20 SWE Forward
MARKUSSON, Viktor 98//1/6/9/ SWE Defenseman
MARMENLIND, Daniel 97//1/11/1 SWE Goalkeeper
MARNETOFT, Gustav 02//2/1/19 SWE Forward
MARN-ROSÉN, Felix 96//1/4/17 SWE Forward
MAROLF, Pascal 90//1/10/2 SUI Forward
MARSH, Kevin 78//1/6/30 CAN Forward
MARSHALL, Kevin 89//1/3/10 CAN Defenseman
MARSHALL OLSSON, Jakob 97//1/3/7/ SWE Forward
MARTIN, Jaeden 00//2/10/5 SWE Defenseman
MARTIN, Kristoffer 79//1/2/17 SWE Goalkeeper
MARTIN, Tom 47//1/10/1 CAN Forward
MARTINELLE, Per 64//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
MARTIN-HASSON, Kim 86//1/2/28 SWE Goalkeeper
MARTINIUSSEN, Hugo 03//2/3/27 SWE Defenseman
MARTINIUSSEN, Leo 01//2/8/2/ SWE Forward
MARTINSEN, Andreas 90//1/6/13 NOR Forward
MARTINSON, Gustav 98//1/1/14 SWE Forward
MARTINSSON, Anders 88//1/2/24 SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, André 90//1/5/15 SWE Forward
MARTINSSON, Andreas 74//1/3/9/ SWE
MARTINSSON, Anton 95//1/12/1 SWE Goalkeeper
MARTINSSON, Eric 92//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, Erik 91//1/1/12 SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, Jens 71//1/2/9/ SWE Forward
MARTINSSON, Joakim 92//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MARTINSSON, Kelvin 03//2/3/6/ SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, Ludvig 96//1/5/12 SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, Oscar 95//1/11/2 SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, Patrik 81//1/6/29 SWE Goalkeeper
MARTINSSON, Per 64//1/3/1/ SWE Forward
MARTINSSON, Philip 92//1/9/11 SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, Sebastian 93//1/2/17 SWE Defenseman
MARTINSSON, William 92//1/9/11 SWE Forward
MARTO, Jacob 86//1/8/11 USA Defenseman
MARTTI, Sebastian 03//2/5/11 SWE Defenseman
MARTTINEN, Jyri 82//1/9/1/ FIN Defenseman
MARUSAK, Jiri 75//1/11/2 CZE Defenseman
MARX, Christian 00//2/7/20 SWE Forward
MARX NORÉN, Kevin 02//2/7/15 SWE Forward
MASALSKIS, Edgars 80//1/3/31 LAT Goalkeeper
MASCHERIN, Adam 98//1/6/6/ CAN Forward
MASES, Gustaf 95//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
MASIELLO, Oscar 97//1/6/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
MASIULIS, Maksim 96//1/2/17 LTU Defenseman
MASKARINEC, Martin 69//1/2/3/ CZE Defenseman
MASLOV, Nikita 98//1/5/3/ SWE Forward
MASTERSON, John 97//1/2/21 USA Forward
MASTOMÄKI, Christopher 96//1/12/8 SWE Forward
MASUHR, Adam 83//1/5/21 SWE Defenseman
MASUHR, Niclas 89//1/6/30 SWE Forward
MATEJIC, Dejan 80//1/3/9/ SWE Forward
MATELL, Mårten 95//1/7/5/ SWE Defenseman
MATHESON, Mark 84//1/2/1/ CAN Defenseman
MATHESON, Oscar 00//2/7/3/ NOR Forward
MATHIESEN, Håvard Böe 85//1/4/18 NOR Defenseman
MATHISEN, Aksel 96//1/4/15 FIN Defenseman
MATICIN, Andrei 63//1/1/30 LAT Defenseman
MATILA, Tobias 95//1/4/25 SWE Defenseman
MATINI, Sam 95//1/4/8/ SWE Forward
MATITSYN, Vadim 87//1/2/17 LAT Forward
MATSES, Johannes 96//1/6/12 SWE Forward
MATSON, Taylor 88//1/9/16 USA Forward
MATSSON, Adam 01//2/1/30 SWE Goalkeeper
MATSSON, Daniel 96//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MATSSON, Simon 92//1/11/1 SWE Defenseman
MATTEBO, Niclas 88//1/11/3 SWE Defenseman
MATTHIASSON, Leon 03//2/9/23 SWE Defenseman
MATTHIASSON, Markus 75//1/11/1 SWE Forward
MATTHIESEN, Leo 04//2/5/22 SWE Goalkeeper
MATTISSON, Linus 02//2/1/25 SWE Forward
MATTISSON, Manne 97//1/12/2 SWE Forward
MATTSON, Jesper 95//1/8/14 SWE Defenseman
MATTSON, Olle 83//1/1/3/ SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Anders 03//2/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, André 80//1/8/11 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Anton 97//1/7/11 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Carl 99//1/9/30 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Christian 87//1/11/2 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Daniel 91//1/8/6/ SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Emil 88//1/1/28 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Emil 99//1/11/2 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Erik 83//1/10/1 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Fabian 95//1/1/23 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Filip 02//2/1/21 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Gustav 03//2/8/3/ SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Jens 84//1/11/7 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Jesper 75//1/5/13 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Joakim 90//1/1/24 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Johan 92//1/4/25 SWE Goalkeeper
MATTSSON, Kalle 79//1/3/28 SWE Goalkeeper
MATTSSON, Marcus 92//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Max 02//2/9/9/ SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Michael 90//1/1/9/ SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Mikael 79//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Niklas 85//1/5/7/ SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Niklas 85//1/5/26 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Oliver 00//2/2/7/ SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Petter 89//1/4/4/ SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Pontus 92//1/4/15 SWE Goalkeeper
MATTSSON, Pär 83//1/2/18 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Sebastian 98//1/3/7/ SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Simon 93//1/9/25 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Simon 94//1/5/12 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Stefan 67//1/12/2 SWE Forward
MATTSSON, Torbjörn 60//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Victor 97//1/4/21 SWE Defenseman
MATTSSON, Viktor 01//2/2/28 SWE Forward
MATUSHKIN, Igor 65//1/1/27 SWE Forward
MATUSHKIN, Maksim 90//1/1/31 SWE Defenseman
MATUSHKIN, Oskar 97//1/3/1/ SWE Defenseman
MATVIYCHUK, Oleksandr 75//1/5/13 UKR Defenseman
MATZKA, Scott 78//1/5/11 USA Forward
MAULDIN, Greg 82//1/6/10 USA Forward
MAURICE, Michael 66//1/4/22 CAN Forward
MAURITZON, Mathias 90//1/2/8/ SWE Forward
MAXWELL, Benjamin 98//1/3/30 CAN Forward
MAXWELL, Brandon 91//1/3/22 USA Goalkeeper
MAYERS, Jamal 74//1/10/2 USA Forward
MC CONVEY, D´arcy 81//1/10/2 CAN Defenseman
MCARDLE, Kenndahl 87//1/1/4/ CAN Forward
MCBAIN, Jason 74//1/4/12 USA Defenseman
MCCABE, Bryan 75//1/6/8/ CAN Defenseman
MCCARTHY, Jeremiah 76//1/3/1/ IRL Defenseman
MCDONELL, Kent 79//1/3/1/ CAN Forward
MCEACHERN, Shawn 69//1/2/28 USA Forward
MCGRANE, Ed 78//1/5/4/ GBR Forward
MCGRATH, Evan 86//1/1/14 CAN Forward
MCINTOSH, Kevin 91//1/12/6 SWE Forward
MCINTYRE ANDERSSON, Christopher 98//1/7/10 SWE Defenseman
MCKELVEY-GUNSON, David 91//1/1/25 CAN Defenseman
MCKENNA, Mike 80//1/3/7/ CAN Defenseman
MCKEOWN, Roland 96//1/1/20 CAN Defenseman
MCKIERNAN, Ryan 89//1/7/27 USA Defenseman
MCLEAN, Brett 78//1/8/14 CAN Forward
MCLOUGHLIN, Frej 97//1/6/17 SWE Forward
MCMASTERS, Jim 52//1/9/20 CAN Defenseman
MCMONAGLE, Sean 88//1/1/19 ITA Defenseman
MCNALLY, Patrick 91//1/12/4 USA Defenseman
MCNAMARA, John 90//1/1/30 USA Forward
MCNEILL, Mark 93//1/2/22 CAN Forward
MCREYNOLDS, Brian 65//1/1/5/ CAN Forward
MEANDER, William 88//1/1/12 SWE Forward
MECIAR, Stanislav 63//1/10/1 CZE Defenseman
MEDIN, Robert 76//1/9/14 SWE Forward
MEECH, Derek 84//1/4/21 CAN Defenseman
MEIJER, Mattias 82//1/1/5/ SWE Goalkeeper
MEIJER, Sebastian 84//1/9/1/ SWE Forward
MEJRUD, Emanuel 93//1/2/5/ SWE Forward
MELANDER, Carl 94//1/11/5 SWE Forward
MELANDER, Emil 03//2/3/14 SWE Defenseman
MELANDER, Fredrik 93//1/2/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
MELANDER, Joakim 94//1/2/18 SWE Forward
MELANDER, Marcus 92//1/8/5/ SWE Goalkeeper
MELART, Ilari 89//1/2/11 FIN Defenseman
MELARTI, Noah 02//2/4/4/ SWE Goalkeeper
MELÈN, Hampus 95//1/2/28 SWE Forward
MELICHAR, Josef 79//1/1/20 CZE Defenseman
MELIN, Albin 02//2/1/26 SWE Forward
MELIN, Andreas 87//1/4/13 SWE Defenseman
MELIN, Anton 94//1/7/7/ SWE Forward
MELIN, Björn 81//1/7/4/ SWE Forward
MELIN, Daniel 88//1/1/31 SWE Goalkeeper
MELIN, Felix 99//1/4/30 SWE Forward
MELIN, Fredrik 83//1/2/24 SWE Defenseman
MELIN, Kristoffer 92//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
MELIN, Marcus 94//1/1/20 SWE Goalkeeper
MELIN, Marcus 95//1/2/21 SWE Defenseman
MELIN, Roger 56//1/4/25 SWE Forward
MELIN, Thomas 67//1/4/26 SWE Goalkeeper
MELINDER, Henrik 79//1/1/6/ SWE Defenseman
MELKER, Morgan 01//2/4/19 SWE Defenseman
MELKERSSON, Adam 01//2/1/23 SWE Forward
MELKERSSON, Henrik 88//1/3/21 SWE Defenseman
MELKERSSON, Richard 75//1/11/9 SWE Defenseman
MELKERSSON, Tommy 65//1/2/1/ SWE Defenseman
MELLA, Anton 95//1/9/8/ SWE Forward
MELLA, Arvid 01//2/8/7/ SWE Forward
MELLANDER, Johan 87//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
MELLBERG, Martin 95//1/7/6/ SWE Forward
MELLBIN, Marcus 84//1/4/22 SWE Goalkeeper
MELLGÅRD, Oskar 98//1/3/5/ SWE Defenseman
MELLIN, Jacob 86//1/2/4/ SWE Forward
MELLINGER, Hugo 04//2/2/25 SWE Goalkeeper
MELLOR, Loki 05//2/7/5/ SWE Goalkeeper
MELLOR, Tom 50//1/1/27 CAN Defenseman
MELLSTRÖM, Johan 63//1/1/7/ SWE Forward
MELLSTRÖM, Marcus 89//1/5/2/ SWE Forward
MELLÅKER, Johan 97//1/12/1 SWE Forward
MENARD, Derry 70//1/8/8/ CAN Forward
MENNANDER, Fredrik 87//1/7/31 SWE Forward
MERTZIG, Jan 70//1/7/18 SWE Defenseman
MESANOVIC, Belmin 95//1/4/10 SWE Forward
MESKANEN, Hampus 03//2/2/2/ SWE Defenseman
MESSA, Peter 80//1/9/19 SWE Defenseman
MESSFELDT, Henrik 93//1/3/31 SWE Forward
MESZAROS, Emil 55//1/11/1 SWE Forward
METSO, Teemu 85//1/8/23 FIN Defenseman
METSÄVAINIO, Simon 91//1/2/26 SWE Goalkeeper
METTOVAARA, Sami 69//1/7/28 FIN Forward
METTÄVAINIO, Jan-Ove 65//1/5/3/ SWE Defenseman
METTÄVAINIO, Jonathan 96//1/4/17 SWE Defenseman
METZ, Alfred 93//1/2/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
MEUNIER, Laurent 79//1/1/16 FRA Forward
MEURLING, Axel 96//1/3/2/ SWE Forward
MEURLING, Fredrik 98//1/8/9/ SWE Goalkeeper
MEYER, Carl-Johan 94//1/4/1/ SWE Defenseman
MEYER, Cyril 93//1/1/5/ SUI Defenseman
MEYER, Frederick 81//1/1/4/ USA Defenseman
MEYER, Nicolai 93//1/7/21 DEN Forward
MEYER, Stefan 85//1/7/20 CAN Forward
MICFLIKIER, Jacob 84//1/7/11 CAN Forward
MICHAELSSON, Alexander 96//1/5/5/ SWE Forward
MICHEL, Andro 90//1/6/11 SWE Goalkeeper
MICKELSSON, Dennis 96//1/8/16 SWE Defenseman
MICKELSSON, Peter 77//1/9/15 SWE Defenseman
MIDSEM, Robin 93//1/4/26 SWE Defenseman
MIEDEMA, Sebastian 00//2/9/9/ SWE Defenseman
MIELE, Andy 88//1/4/15 USA Forward
MIELONEN, Juho 87//1/3/1/ FIN Defenseman
MIERITZ, Christian 97//1/9/30 DEN Defenseman
MIERITZ, Mark 91//1/1/3/ DEN Forward
MIETTINEN, Arto 73//1/5/30 FIN Forward
MIETTINEN, Camilo 86//1/3/1/ FIN Forward
MIETTINEN, Tommi 75//1/12/3 FIN Forward
MIHALIK, Vladimir 87//1/1/29 SVK Defenseman
MIHIC, Andreas 83//1/12/2 SWE Forward
MIIKKULAINEN, Jarno 72//1/11/2 FIN Defenseman
MIKAELSSON, Casper 95//1/3/13 SWE Forward
MIKAELSSON, Fabian 96//1/7/30 SWE Forward
MIKAELSSON, Hugo 04//2/2/21 SWE Forward
MIKAELSSON, Klas 85//1/4/29 SWE Forward
MIKAELSSON, Ludvig 98//1/3/29 SWE Defenseman
MIKAELSSON, Pär 70//1/3/5/ SWE Forward
MIKETINAC, Kalle 99//1/4/2/ SWE Forward
MIKKELSON, Brendan 87//1/6/22 CAN Forward
MIKKO, Fredrik 70//1/1/12 SWE Goalkeeper
MIKKO, Ingemar 65//1/6/1/ SWE Forward
MIKKO, Roger 57//1/9/7/ SWE Forward
MIKKOLA, Ari 61//1/6/18 FIN Forward
MIKKOLA, Niko 74//1/1/9/ FIN Defenseman
MILASHENKO, Pavlo 93//1/1/2/ UKR Defenseman
MILBERGS, Italo 01//2/8/6/ LAT Defenseman
MILD, Axel 87//1/1/26 SWE Defenseman
MILD, Nicklas 84//1/7/10 SWE Defenseman
MILFORS, Loa 04//2/3/21 SWE Forward
MILIC, Oliwer 00//2/6/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
MILJAK, Patrik 95//1/5/14 SWE Defenseman
MILLER, Adam 84//1/11/2 USA Forward
MILLER, Andrew 84//1/2/17 USA Forward
MILLER, Brenden 94//1/3/29 CAN Defenseman
MILLER, Kim 02//2/5/14 SWE Forward
MILLER, Max 00//2/6/30 SWE Forward
MILLER, Rod 70//1/5/2/ CAN Defenseman
MILLNER, Alexander 90//1/12/3 SWE Goalkeeper
MILLNER, David 92//1/3/14 SWE Forward
MILLQVIST, Joakim 81//1/2/27 SWE Forward
MILLS, Craig 76//1/8/27 CAN Forward
MILLS, Dylan 78//1/6/20 USA Defenseman
MILO, Dusan 73//1/3/5/ SVK Defenseman
MILOJEVIC, Bojan 90//1/9/3/ SWE Defenseman
MILOSEVIC, Stefan 03//2/12/2 SWE Defenseman
MILTON, Oscar 93//1/10/6 SWE Forward
MINDERS, Adam 01//2/3/5/ SWE Defenseman
MINGOIA, Trevor 92//1/8/18 USA Forward
MINGOTTI, Filip 93//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
MINNEMA, Joel 94//1/4/13 SWE Forward
MINNEMA, Simon 84//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
MITCHELL, David 96//1/12/1 SWE Forward
MITCHELL, Kevin 80//1/6/5/ USA Defenseman
MITELL, Thomas 80//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MITMAN, Simon 91//1/5/5/ SWE Forward
MIVELL, Hugo 04//2/4/19 SWE Forward
MOBERG, Casper 02//2/4/24 SWE Forward
MOBERG, Elias 00//2/12/2 SWE Goalkeeper
MOBERG, Erik 92//1/12/6 SWE Forward
MOBERG, Hampus 96//1/5/22 SWE Defenseman
MOBERG, Jacob 92//1/3/27 SWE Forward
MOBERG, Jörgen 75//1/7/13 SWE Goalkeeper
MOBERG, Markus 99//1/2/9/ SWE Forward
MOBERG, Oliver 03//2/2/23 SWE Forward
MOBERG, Patrik 82//1/3/12 SWE Forward
MOBERG, Philip 98//1/4/15 SWE Forward
MOBERG, William 92//1/9/14 SWE Forward
MODÉN, Sebastian 96//1/5/3/ SWE Forward
MODIG, Fredrik 92//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MODIG, Lars 64//1/1/23 SWE Defenseman
MODIG, Mattias 87//1/4/1/ SWE Goalkeeper
MODIG, Nicklas 85//1/2/4/ SWE Forward
MODIG, Olov 67//1/4/17 SWE Goalkeeper
MODIG, Thomas 88//1/4/27 SWE Forward
MODIGS, Markus 92//1/4/6/ SWE Forward
MODIN, Albin 00//2/1/25 SWE Forward
MODIN, Andreas 96//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
MODIN, Andreas 94//1/4/11 SWE Forward
MODIN, Daniel 99//1/4/4/ SWE Forward
MODIN, Emil 97//1/4/28 SWE Defenseman
MODIN, Fredrik 74//1/10/8 SWE Forward
MODROW, Viktor 91//1/4/30 SWE Defenseman
MOE, Eric 88//1/3/6/ SWE Defenseman
MOE, Tinus 02//2/1/8/ NOR Forward
MOËLL-LINDGREN, Jonas 96//1/5/27 SWE Goalkeeper
MOEN, Filip 01//2/5/12 SWE Forward
MOEN, Jonatan 85//1/8/29 SWE Defenseman
MOEN, Viktor 04//2/5/29 SWE Goalkeeper
MOFFAT, Luke 92//1/6/11 USA Forward
MOGEMARK, Dan 87//1/4/29 SWE Goalkeeper
MOGENSEN, Joel 95//1/1/20 SWE Defenseman
MOGENSEN URUP, Jeppe 99//1/3/14 DEN Defenseman
MOHLIN, Conny 82//1/5/21 SWE Forward
MOHLIN, Dan 60//1/11/1 SWE Forward
MOHLIN, Johan 98//1/7/20 SWE Forward
MOHLIN, Jonatan 92//1/5/2/ SWE Forward
MOHLIN, Marcus 90//1/5/8/ SWE Forward
MOILANEN, Joar 96//1/7/17 SWE Forward
MOJZIS, Tomas 82//1/5/2/ CZE Defenseman
MOKROHAJSKY, Robert 96//1/9/13 SVK Forward
MOLANDER, Daniel 92//1/7/12 SWE Goalkeeper
MOLANDER, Pontus 64//1/3/13 SWE Forward
MOLANDER, Urban 67//1/8/26 SWE Defenseman
MOLGE, Magnus 98//1/4/16 DEN Forward
MOLIN, Daniel 89//1/11/2 SWE Defenseman
MOLIN, Emil 93//1/2/3/ SWE Forward
MOLIN, Filip 93//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
MOLIN, Hampus 96//1/8/26 SWE Forward
MOLIN, Joakim 89//1/6/7/ SWE Forward
MOLIN, Johan 76//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MOLIN, Lars 56//1/5/7/ SWE Forward
MOLIN, Linus 90//1/5/25 SWE Forward
MOLIN, Linus 04//2/11/1 SWE Forward
MOLIN, Marcus 03//2/10/1 SWE Forward
MOLIN, Markus 86//1/8/1/ SWE Forward
MOLIN, Martin 84//1/1/11 SWE Forward
MOLIN, Oscar 85//1/8/28 SWE Defenseman
MOLIN, Ove 71//1/5/27 SWE Forward
MOLIN, Sasha 73//1/4/10 SWE Forward
MOLINDER, Andreas 87//1/2/23 SWE Defenseman
MOLINDER, Erik 01//2/6/10 SWE Forward
MOLITOR, Johan 86//1/3/12 SWE Forward
MOLLDÉN, Alexander 95//1/6/7/ SWE Defenseman
MOLLDÉN, Johan 87//1/5/22 SWE Defenseman
MOLNAR, Anton 94//1/1/11 SWE Forward
MOLNAR, Zsombor 93//1/1/14 ROM Forward
MOLNBERG, Mikael 93//1/6/12 SWE Defenseman
MOLNBERG, Peter 88//1/7/21 SWE Defenseman
MONBERG, Nicolas 80//1/9/22 DEN Forward
MONTPETIT, Brock 90//1/4/3/ USA Forward
MOOE, Jonathan 94//1/3/17 SWE Forward
MOORE, Skeeter 63//1/7/16 USA Forward
MOQVIST, Andreas 83//1/3/4/ SWE Forward
MOQVIST, Marcus 93//1/1/24 SWE Goalkeeper
MOQVIST, Tobias 87//1/4/27 SWE Defenseman
MORAN, Brad 79//1/3/20 CAN Forward
MORAN, Ian 72//1/8/24 USA Defenseman
MORAVEC, David 73//1/3/24 CZE Forward
MORBERG, Simon 97//1/2/9/ SWE Forward
MOREHED, Vincent 91//1/3/17 SWE Forward
MORELIUS, John 97//1/5/25 SWE Goalkeeper
MORELLIUS, Jakob 88//1/1/21 SWE Defenseman
MORÉN, Jesper 94//1/4/15 SWE Forward
MORÉN, Mathias 83//1/2/20 SWE Defenseman
MORÉN, Niclas 89//1/5/30 SWE Goalkeeper
MORÉN, Petter 81//1/9/20 SWE Forward
MORÉN, Pontus 84//1/2/7/ SWE Forward
MORÉN, Victor 89//1/12/1 SWE Forward
MORGAN, Jason 76//1/10/9 CAN Forward
MORGER, Johan 83//1/6/25 SWE Defenseman
MORIN, Anders 67//1/2/11 SWE Goalkeeper
MORIN, Dan 70//1/9/8/ SWE Defenseman
MORIN, Karl 85//1/7/21 SWE Goalkeeper
MORIN, Linus 87//1/1/30 SWE Defenseman
MORITZ, Joakim 91//1/5/7/ SWE Goalkeeper
MORITZ, Malte 90//1/6/17 SWE Forward
MORLEY, Tyler 91//1/12/1 CAN Forward
MORLING, Klas 84//1/3/8/ SWE Defenseman
MORRISON, Brendan 75//1/8/15 CAN Forward
MORRISON, Justin 79//1/8/10 USA Forward
MORRISON, Mike 79//1/7/11 IRL Goalkeeper
MOSER, Johan 84//1/1/31 SWE Forward
MOSTRÖM, Mattias 97//1/12/7 SWE Forward
MOTÉUS, Christoffer 88//1/2/8/ SWE Forward
MOTÉUS, Philip 97//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
MOTIN, Johan 89//1/10/1 SWE Defenseman
MOTT, Darwin 50//1/8/19 SWE Forward
MOTT, Morris 46//1/5/25 CAN Forward
MOUILLIERAT, Kael 87//1/12/9 CAN Forward
MOVERARE, Jacob 98//1/8/31 SWE Defenseman
MOWERS, Mark 74//1/2/16 USA Forward
MOYER, Russel 82//1/8/9/ CAN Defenseman
MOZIK, Vojtech 92//1/12/2 CZE Defenseman
MRAZIK, Michal 01//2/7/30 SVK Forward
MROZ, Zikmund 98//1/2/22 CZE Defenseman
MUELLER, Peter 88//1/4/14 USA Forward
MUELLER, Richard 82//1/5/6/ GER Forward
MUHRÉN, Knut 81//1/4/27 SWE Defenseman
MUIR, Bryan 73//1/6/8/ CAN Defenseman
MUJEZINOVIC, Elsan 98//1/5/22 SWE Forward
MULLEN, Patrick 86//1/5/6/ USA Defenseman
MUNCK, Gabriel 97//1/3/2/ SWE Defenseman
MUNCK, Jari 62//1/2/1/ FIN Defenseman
MUNCK, Oliver 02//2/6/13 SWE Forward
MUNGE, Kevin 94//1/7/8/ SWE Forward
MUNROE, Scott 82//1/1/20 CAN Goalkeeper
MUNTER, Victor 93//1/5/26 SWE Defenseman
MURASE, Minatsu 95//1/6/23 SWE Goalkeeper
MURLEY, Matt 79//1/12/1 USA Forward
MURPHY, Cody 91//1/4/22 USA Forward
MURPHY, Cory 78//1/2/13 SWE Defenseman
MURPHY, Stephen 81//1/12/1 GBR Goalkeeper
MURRAY, Douglas 80//1/3/12 SWE Defenseman
MURRAY, Jordan 92//1/12/1 CAN Defenseman
MURRAY, Robin 88//1/6/7/ SWE Forward
MURSAK, Jan 88//1/1/20 SLO Forward
MUSA, Adrian 97//1/4/9/ SWE Forward
MUSAKKA, Joakim 68//1/11/4 SWE Defenseman
MUSTAFIC, Edwin 03//2/2/17 SWE Goalkeeper
MUSTONEN, Aleksi 95//1/3/28 FIN Forward
MUSTONEN, Joel 92//1/9/18 SWE Forward
MUSTONEN, Tomi 83//1/5/31 FIN Forward
MUSTUKOVS, Ervins 84//1/4/7/ LAT Goalkeeper
MUTZE-HVITMAN, Richard 95//1/2/10 SWE Goalkeeper
MUUKKONEN, Jarmo 66//1/11/1 FIN Forward
MUZIK, Radek 01//2/3/25 CZE Forward
MUZITO BAGENDA, Daniel 96//1/6/16 SWE Forward
MUZITO-BAGENDA, David 87//1/5/9/ SWE Forward
MYHRSTRÖM, Karl-Göran 85//1/8/9/ SWE Forward
MÜLLER, Gustav 99//1/4/23 SWE Forward
MÜLLER, Marcel 88//1/7/10 GER Forward
MÜLLER, Mirco 95//1/3/21 SUI Defenseman
MÜLLER, Nicolas 99//1/6/21 SUI Forward
MYLLYKOSKI, Marcus 99//1/8/12 SWE Forward
MYLLYNIEMI, Jere 83//1/1/24 FIN Goalkeeper
MYLLYS, Jarmo 65//1/5/29 FIN Goalkeeper
MYLLYVAINIO, Tim 99//1/9/28 SWE Forward
MYLLÄRI, Anton 91//1/2/27 SWE Defenseman
MYLLÄRI, Jakob 87//1/6/23 SWE Forward
MYRBERG ANDERSSON, Joel 02//2/10/1 SWE Forward
MYRBÄCK, Matz 83//1/6/8/ SWE Forward
MYRÉN, Anders 83//1/3/29 SWE Forward
MYRÉN, Pontus 93//1/3/2/ SWE Forward
MYRENBERG, Jesper 00//2/4/8/ SWE Goalkeeper
MYRENBERG, Jonathan 03//2/4/11 SWE Defenseman
MYRENIUS, Mattias 96//1/5/1/ SWE Defenseman
MYRLÖV, Jakob 93//1/2/12 SWE Forward
MYRMAN, Filip 96//1/4/30 SWE Defenseman
MYRSKOG, Filip 99//1/2/20 SWE Goalkeeper
MYRVOLD, Anders 75//1/8/12 NOR Defenseman
MYTTYNEN, Matias 90//1/3/12 FIN Forward
MYÖHÄNEN, Patrik 82//1/5/3/ SWE Forward
MÅHL, Magnus 85//1/8/6/ SWE Forward
MÅLAR JOHANSSON, Filip 93//1/7/21 SWE Forward
MÅNGS, Jesper 97//1/6/16 SWE Defenseman
MÅNGS, Victor 92//1/12/2 SWE Defenseman
MÅNSSON, Carl 99//1/6/22 SWE Forward
MÅNSSON, Henrik 84//1/5/10 SWE Defenseman
MÅNSSON, Johan 73//1/1/23 SWE Goalkeeper
MÅNSSON, Johan 87//1/4/6/ SWE Defenseman
MÅNSSON, Mathias 81//1/9/20 SWE Forward
MÅNSSON, Måns 00//2/1/25 SWE Forward
MÅNSSON, Oskar 92//1/4/25 SWE Forward
MÅNSSON, Stefan 73//1/8/3/ SWE Forward
MÅRDFJÄLL, Oskar 91//1/6/21 SWE Defenseman
MÅRDH, Melvin 99//1/2/17 SWE Forward
MÅRS, Olof 81//1/6/16 SWE Forward
MÅRS, Per 82//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MÅRSLÄTT, Oliver 98//1/12/2 SWE Goalkeeper
MÅRSLÄTT, Rasmus 01//2/7/23 SWE Forward
MÅRTEN, Mattias 93//1/11/4 SWE Forward
MÅRTENS, Rickard 93//1/12/2 SWE Defenseman
MÅRTENSSON, Lars 66//1/8/12 SWE Defenseman
MÅRTENSSON, Pontus 84//1/1/12 SWE Defenseman
MÅRTENSSON, Sebastian 89//1/3/6/ SWE Forward
MÅRTENSSON, Thomas 82//1/6/29 SWE Forward
MÅRTENSSON, Tony 80//1/6/23 SWE Forward
MÅRTENSSON, Ulf 72//1/1/8/ SWE Forward
MÅRTENSSON, Viktor 89//1/1/20 SWE Forward
MÅRTHENS, Oscar 02//2/7/27 SWE Goalkeeper
MÅRTS, Pär 53//1/4/30 SWE Forward
MÅÅG, Lukas 97//1/2/4/ SWE Defenseman
MÄENPÄÄ, Felix 95//1/2/6/ SWE Forward
MÄENPÄÄ, Mikko 83//1/4/19 FIN Defenseman
MÄKELÄ, Mikko 65//1/2/28 FIN Forward
MÄKI, Emil 98//1/12/1 SWE Forward
MÄKI, Jonathan 93//1/1/13 SWE Forward
MÄKI, Martin 98//1/10/3 SWE Forward
MÄKIAHO, Toni 75//1/1/11 FIN Forward
MÄKINEN, Marko 77//1/3/31 FIN Defenseman
MÄKITAAVOLA, Emil 94//1/2/24 SWE Forward
MÄKITALO, Jarmo 60//1/10/8 FIN Forward
MÄKITALO, Jere 95//1/3/13 FIN Forward
MÄKITALO, Petter 96//1/10/2 SWE Forward
MÄKITALO, Tom 95//1/5/6/ SWE Forward
MÄLBERG, Fredrik 76//1/2/9/ SWE Defenseman
MÄNNIKKÖ, Miikka 79//1/3/27 FIN Forward
MÄNTYLÄ, Tuukka 81//1/5/25 FIN Defenseman
MÄNTYMAA, Ville 85//1/3/8/ FIN Defenseman
MÄRLIN, Kevin 95//1/1/17 SWE Forward
MÄÄTTÄ, Johan 82//1/9/13 SWE Defenseman
MÄÄTTÄ, Tero 82//1/1/2/ FIN Defenseman
MÄÄTTÄ AGETOFT, Tommi 85//1/6/8/ SWE Forward
MÄÄTTÄNEN, Pasi 72//1/6/11 FIN Forward
MÄÄTÄÄ, Eetu 95//1/3/23 FIN Forward
MÖLLER, Adam 05//2/4/22 SWE Goalkeeper
MÖLLER, Carl-Johan 92//1/4/29 SWE Forward
MÖLLER, Dennis 96//1/1/26 SWE Forward
MÖLLER, Elton 04//2/1/29 SWE Forward
MÖLLER, Erik 84//1/7/22 SWE Forward
MÖLLER, Fredrik 76//1/12/1 SWE Defenseman
MÖLLER, Jacob 96//1/1/8/ SWE Forward
MÖLLER, Morgan 05//2/6/24 SWE Forward
MÖLLER, Oscar 89//1/1/22 SWE Forward
MÖLLER, Tommy 55//1/1/19 SWE Defenseman
MÖLLER-LARSSON, Pascal 89//1/10/2 SWE Goalkeeper
MÖLLERSTEDT, Filip 98//1/9/17 SWE Defenseman
MÖLLERSTEDT, Isak 02//2/2/4/ SWE Defenseman
MÖLLERSTEDT, Ola 71//1/4/28 SWE Defenseman
MÖLLERSTRÖM, Mattias 84//1/6/30 SWE Goalkeeper
MÖLLHAGEN, Erik 95//1/5/2/ SWE Forward
MÖLLHAGEN, Niklas 93//1/7/1/ SWE Defenseman
MÖLLHAGEN, Sebastian 95//1/10/2 SWE Defenseman
MÖRCK, Albin 01//2/4/11 SWE Goalkeeper
MÖRK, Adam 89//1/3/12 SWE Forward
MÖRK, Martin 82//1/6/2/ SWE Goalkeeper
MÖRK, Mathias 93//1/4/22 SWE Defenseman
MÖRNSJÖ, Johan 97//1/6/3/ SWE Forward
MÖRTBERG, Frans 95//1/4/29 SWE Forward
MÖRTH, Henrik 89//1/1/8/ SWE Forward
MÖRTH, Tommy 59//1/7/16 SWE Forward
MÖTTUS, William 89//1/12/1 SWE Forward
© Copyright Swedish Ice Hockey Association 2007